[Gifted and Talented] IDM Workshops - Last chance to register (apologies for any cross posting)

Fay Richardson fay at vitta.org.au
Fri May 11 13:15:22 EST 2012

Registrations <http://www.vitta.org.au/events/event/idm-workshop-2>  still
open for May 14 workshop!  Don’t miss out!

A new initiative from VITTA and Adobe to help teachers and students who are
working through the VET/VCE Interactive Digital Media (IDM) courses in Years
11 and 12.

IDM Workshops - Adobe Dreamweaver & Adobe Flash                 Description:
<http://www.adobe.com/support/flashplayer/downloads.html> Description: flash
player icon

These two workshops will go through how to teach with this software to help
IDM students produce excellent work and prepare them to be confident leading
up to practical section of the end of the examination.

Adobe Dreamweaver is the most common HTML & CSS editor used by IDM students
and it is also commonly used in the Web Design Industry. Adobe Flash is the
most common 2D animation software used in IDM and links well with
Dreamweaver to build dynamic online content. These workshops will go through
how to teach with this software to help IDM students produce excellent work
and prepare them to be confident leading up to practical section of the end
of the examination.

Presenters: Dr Tim Kitchen & Chemère Birkensleigh

Dr Tim Kitchen is an experienced teacher of IDM and he has a strong passion
for integrating multimedia in schools.

Chemère Birkensleigh works in the Multimedia industry and understands how
Adobe products like Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Premier, Flash and After Effects
are used in industry.

Together, Chemère and Tim provide a unique team who will be providing
ongoing professional development and resources.

Download flier <http://www.vitta.org.au/documents/item/476> 

WHEN:   Monday, 14 May & Wednesday, 6 June 2012

TIME:      4:30 - 6:30pm

VENUE: Strathcona Multimedia Centre, 34 Scott St, Canterbury - MAP

REGISTER <http://www.vitta.org.au/events/event/idm-workshop-2>  for 14 May

REGISTER <http://www.vitta.org.au/events/event/idm-workshop-adobe-flash>
for 6 June





Fay Richardson


Fay Richardson

Senior Project Manager


T: +61 3 9495 6836

F: +61 3 9495 6834

M: +61(0)488 545 995

E: fay at vitta.org.au

W: www.vitta.org.au <http://www.vitta.org.au/> 

Suite 209, 134-136 Cambridge St,

Collingwood, VIC, 3066, Australia

VITTA ~ supporting all educators with ICTs anywhere, any time

2012 VITTA Conference:
Reign of the Cloud

Professional Learning

Tomorrow Sport <http://www.tomorrowsport.com.au/> 



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