[Gifted and Talented] Challenge Based Learning PD session (apologies for any cross posting)

Fay Richardson fay at vitta.org.au
Mon Aug 13 17:59:35 EST 2012

Why is Challenge Based Learning important?

Challenge Based Learning "incorporates the best aspects of problembased
learning, project-based learning, and contextual teaching and learning while
focusing on real problems faced in the real world. Challenge based learning
engages students' curiosity and desire to learn. It makes the solving of
real problems the centre of the curriculum, gives students access to 21st
century tools, and requires them to work collaboratively and manage their
own time. It encourages students to direct the course of their learning and
engage teachers in a supportive, very necessary role as guides."


Mark Richardson will show you how Challenge Based Learning can invigorate
teaching and learning of Primary and Middle Years classes. It is an approach
that is highly engaging, embraces authentic learning and is great for
students and teachers to use 21st century learning skills. Find out about
the theory and see classroom examples. A comprehensive set of online
resources will be available as will membership of a network to support this


BYO laptop/device.


DATE: Wednesday, August 15, 2012

TIME: 4:00 - 6:00pm

VENUE: VATE Conference Room, Carringbush Business Centre, Ground Floor, 134
- 134 Cambridge St, Collingwood


Online resources and afternoon tea included.


Last chance to register


Best Wishes,



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