[Geography] Director of SOSE

Kendall, Rodney A kendall.rodney.a at edumail.vic.gov.au
Mon Aug 6 23:01:26 EST 2012

Dear SOSE Gurus

Hoppers Crossing Secondary College is offering a great position to the RIGHT person.

We are seeking a Director of SOSE who will coach our staff in the best implementation of SOSE practices - with a time allowance equal to half a teaching load!

Our College has a philosophy of improving teaching and learning through coaching.

We are a 1:1 netbook school (Yr 7-12) and every classroom has a data projector.

Below is the position description - see recruitment online - position number 799889

Please see www.hopcross.vic.edu.au<http://www.hopcross.vic.edu.au>

Contact Mr Keith Halge - 9974 7777 should you have any questions.

Director of SOSE

Leading Teacher (16 x 71 minute period time allowance)

Major Responsibilities

* To support all staff across the College implement the GANAG Common Instructional Model.

* To lead and manage a Performance & Development (P&D) team via individual staff P&D plans, and case manage the Professional Development requirements for staff in the P&D team and liaise with the relevant Assistant Principal in regards to these requirements.

* To work with the relevant Assistant Principal in establishing a team approach to all aspects of the Year 7 - 12 SOSE Curriculum

* To work in collaboration with the college Leadership Team in the implementation of Professional Learning Teams (PLT's) across the college.

* Help teachers to effectively analyse student data and use it to plan their teaching within their PLT's.

* Undertake regular Professional Learning Walks in order to observe and monitor teacher delivery of the SOSE Curriculum across Year 7 - 12.

* Work with the SOSE teachers to develop and implement lesson plans based on the 9 recommended teaching strategies outlined by Marzano.

* Develop and maintain a professional coaching relationship with all members of the SOSE KLA.

* Provide a visible and active responsibility towards the organization and delivery of professional development to improve teacher capacity and delivery of the SOSE curriculum at all levels across the college.

* Model teaching approaches to enhance teachers repertoire of effective teaching practices that will motivate students in their learning.

* Review the SOSE curriculum and make recommendations on how the program might be enhanced.

* Actively seek information on a variety of pedagogical approaches and provide the SOSE staff with professional development opportunities that will encourage use of these approaches in the classroom. (i.e. Marzano - 'Classroom Instruction that Works')

* Act as the Chairperson for all SOSE KLA meetings and ensure that agendas and minutes of meetings are published.

* Lead the SOSE KLA in curriculum planning and development focusing on the implementation of the GANAG Common Instructional Model.

* Maintain a file of courses of study for all elements of the Year 7 - 12 SOSE program.

* To work in partnership with the Literacy Teaching Team in a 'whole school' approach to literacy across all KLA's.

* Represent the SOSE KLA at the college Curriculum Committee.

* Manage and Maintain the SOSE KLA budget

* Research curriculum programs at other educational settings and prepare proposals for consideration at relevant college committees.

Other Duties

* Attend and participate in Leading Teacher meetings

* Represent the school at community events as requested

* To act as a Leading Teacher Team Leader for the management of mathematics staff Annual Performance Plans

* Perform other duties as determined by the principal


Rod Kendall
Assistant Principal
Hoppers Crossing Secondary College

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