[Foodtech] FW: [vaeesustschool] Fwd: Tomorrow's Leaders for Sustainability, PD for teachers

Tran, Lorraine I tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au
Mon May 9 11:19:07 EST 2011

Lorraine Tran I Curriculum Manager

VELS Design, Creativity and Technology
VCE Agricultural and Horticultural Studies I VCE Food and Technology
VCE Design and Technology I VCE Systems Engineering

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)
41 St Andrews Place I East Melbourne I 3002

W (03) 9651 4407 I M 0400833521
E tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au<mailto:tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au>

The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority provides high quality curriculum, assessment and reporting that promotes individual life long learning.

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This PD may be of interest. It is sent on behalf of the SPP Environment, Science and Technology Network.


Lorraine Tran
Curriculum Manager, Design and Technology

From: bounce-1882345-844489 at edna.edu.au [mailto:bounce-1882345-844489 at edna.edu.au] On Behalf Of Julia Muniandy
Sent: Monday, 9 May 2011 10:24 AM
To: Sustainable School Network
Subject: [vaeesustschool] Fwd: Tomorrow's Leaders for Sustainability, PD for teachers

Hi Sustainable Schools,

I would like to offer the opportunity to join our teacher training day for Tomorrow's Leaders for Sustainability with Pat Armstrong on the 25th May.

The cost of the training day is a once off offer, and places are limited!
See details below.


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From: EcoCentre ed team <ten at ecocentre.com<mailto:ten at ecocentre.com>>
Date: 29 April 2011 14:30
Subject: Tomorrow's Leaders for Sustainability, PD for teachers
To: Julia <Julia at ecocentre.com<mailto:Julia at ecocentre.com>>

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Tomorrow's Leaders for Sustainability
Professional Development for teachers

               enthuse                                  enable                                   empower

Wednesday 25 May 2011
9 am - 4 pm
Venue - venue to be confirmed (in the Port Phillip area)

Tomorrow's Leaders for Sustainability (TLfS) helps young people understand the key issues of sustainability while also gaining the knowledge and skills to become leaders in their chosen career.

The objective is help young people to

  *   understand the world around them;
  *   learn how to live more sustainably;
  *   improve their skills in leadership, thinking, problem-solving, teamwork and communication;
  *   apply these skills to meaningful sustainability projects; and
  *   act ethically and responsibly.
Best suited to upper primary and secondary students
Don't miss this opportunity to learn about leadership and sustainability for your students!

Cost: $60       teachers from Port Phillip and Bayside council areas
          $95       teachers from other areas
Download registration and invoice here<http://ecocentre.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d3f90a12a0752dbb822326928&id=08acc72bb8&e=c88252887e>.
Vegetarian lunch, morning and afternoon tea provided.
RSVP Wednesday May 18 to ten at ecocentre.com<mailto:ten at ecocentre.com> (include any dietary requirements you may have)


What students say

"I learnt that helping out people as a leader can be a bit hard." Josh

"My project is about preventing climate change by using a less pollutant method of transport. With the TLfS program being so flexible I was able to choose a project for my preferred attributes. The Australian Government is hosting a 60-second film competition on climate change where the entrant has to inspire others to go greener. In my ad I will be encouraging the use of public transport over that of the preferred car." Matt

"Sustainability is the after party for the future." Dylan

"Working is easier when you do so in steps; before you try to fix the world, fix the small local problems, you may just fix the world in the process." Ella


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55a Blessington St
St Kilda, Victoria 3182

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Julia Muniandy | Education Programs Manager
(Part Time - Thursday @ EcoCentre)
EcoCentre | St Kilda Botanic Gardens, 55A Blessington St (cnr Herbert St) | St Kilda VIC 3182
www.ecocentre.com<http://www.ecocentre.com/> | julia at ecocentre.com<mailto:julia at ecocentre.com>
T: 03 9525 3102 | F: 03 9525 3312
 M: 040 8533 749


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