[Foodtech] FW: Article in today's Epicure, The AGE Newspaper

Tran, Lorraine I tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au
Tue May 12 17:00:53 EST 2009

Dear colleagues


Please see Catherine's email below. Also, there is a useful article
about milk 'The right white stuff' on pages 4 and 5 of today's Epicure.


Many thanks to Catherine for alerting us to this resource. 


Regards, Lorraine. 


Lorraine Tran

Curriculum Manager, P - 12 Design and Technology

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)

41 St Andrews Place

East Melbourne 3002



Email: tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au

Telephone: (03) 9651 4407

Mobile:       041 933 1630


The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority provides high quality
curriculum, assessment and reporting that promotes individual life long

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From: Mortimer, Catherine A 
Sent: Tuesday, 12 May 2009 10:18 AM
To: Tran, Lorraine I
Subject: Article in today's Epicure, The AGE Newspaper


Hello Lorraine


There is an article on page 10 of todays Epicure that I think would be a
great resource and source of information.  The subject of the article
Kemi Nekvapil who has started a business called Food Traditions. The
email newsletter that she produces (I haven't seen it yet but I am very
interested in the concepts that she promotes) could be a great back to
basics resource for Home Economics and Food Technology Teachers.



Catherine Mortimer


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