[English] doing a happy dance over exam marking

Jenny Gilbert nenifoofer at gmail.com
Fri Mar 23 06:41:55 EST 2012



If you are not aware VCAA have finally gone electronic with the English
examination - http://www.vcaa.vic.edu.au/correspondence/notices/2012/28.html


I for one am doing a happy dance. I have marked English twice and on both
occasions it was at great personal cost due to the requirement ot travel and
mark in house. I had to pay for airfares and accommodation. I had decided
that I could not make such a financial investment again in spite of my
desire to consolidate the skills I gained. This decision means the financial
argument is no longer an issue and it will not cost me financially to engage
in the process again. I am very happy J 


If you have not marked exams - give GAT or NAPLAN marking a go then go for
the English. It is great PD and you do get paid. 


Jenny Gilbert


English Coordinator, St Joseph's College Mildura

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Twitter - @nenifoofer


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