[English] Language analysis VCE English

Jenny Gilbert nenifoofer at gmail.com
Sun Mar 18 09:55:07 EST 2012



Just sharing a wiki page I have just started to compliment what we do in the
classroom as we move into Language analysis. Kony 2012
<http://msgsresources.wikispaces.com/KONY+2012>  We settled on Kony 2012 as
a focus for three reasons - one it illustrates all the power of visual and
written language to persuade as well as including discussions of social
media. The second is the students are engaged in it. The third is of course
this is provides excellent discussion material for responding to conflict in
encountering conflict - if only it were so easy to ease the conflict burden
in Uganda. 


If you have suggestions I welcome them - but please don't try to 'join' the
site - I would like my students to do that. Instead click on this page to
contact <http://msgsresources.wikispaces.com/Connect+with+Jenny+Gilbert>  me
or email ideas through to this listJ 


Jenny Gilbert


English Coordinator, St Joseph's College Mildura

Blog <http://nenifoofer.edublogs.org/> 

Wiki <http://msgsresources.wikispaces.com/> 

Diigo <http://www.diigo.com/user/nenifoofer>  

Jens PLN at Live Binders <http://livebinders.com/edit?id=6500> 

Twitter - @nenifoofer


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