[English] Twitter Sonnets

Monica Cleary mcleary53 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 18 18:42:51 EST 2012

That is very cool :) Be teaching Shakespeare Semester 2. It can't be used
directly, of course, but it'll give me some ideas for starters.



On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 9:46 AM, Jackson Bates <bates.j at wcc.vic.edu.au>wrote:

>  Hi all,
> Before you start clicking any of the links please be aware that you may
> see bad language. If this is likely to cause offence, don’t click J
> In short: Some guy wrote a computer program that reads Tweets scanning
> them for iambic pentameter. When it finds a line that scans, it pairs it
> with another like it that rhymes and then retweets the couplet. This leads
> to an ongoing ‘sonnet’ (Not really a by the books sonnet of course, more
> like a Browning dramatic monologue…but you get the point!)
> Because it’s a computer program it occasionally gets it wrong – but I read
> it last night and it was lovely. It makes the truly mundane appear heroic
> and profound. I for one have been inspired to write all of my reports and
> essay feedback from now on in couplets of rhyming iambic pentameter…
> The twitter stream: http://twitter.com/#!/pentametron
> The MeFi post about it:
> http://www.metafilter.com/114145/With-algorithms-subtle-and-discrete-I-seek-iambic-writings-to-retweet
> The Mefi Projects from the creator:
> http://projects.metafilter.com/3515/With-algorithms-subtle-and-discrete-I-seek-iambic-writings-to-retweet
> Once the iambs get into your speech
> You’ll end up speaking with them for a week
> *Jackson Bates*
> Waverley Christian College
> Coordinator of Learning Technologies
> VCE English | VCE IT Applications
> * *
> *Blog: http://mrjbates.wordpress.com*
> *Twitter: http://twitter.com/jacksonbates*
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