[English] VCE Using Language to Persuade Question

01869563 skidmore.kathy.l at edumail.vic.gov.au
Fri May 28 14:12:21 EST 2010

>From the point of view of ³a coherent piece of prose² - I like your initial
assumption best ­ and it¹s what I understand it to be.

On 28/05/10 1:55 PM, "Ben Langdon" <langdon.ben.b at edumail.vic.gov.au> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Just a question for the group about the VCE English language analysis task:
> What is expected in the conclusion of the analysis?
> In previous years I have suggested students conclude with a brief overview of
> the writer's contention plus any kind of pattern that may have been used (for
> example, Smith relied heavily on emotional appeals while Reddison provided a
> more analytical, statistics-based argument.).
> However, I've recently heard that the conclusion is supposed to simply analyse
> how each of the writers has concluded their article.
> I realise that most of the assessment comes from how students analyse the
> language, but I'd like to hear about other people's approaches to the
> conclusion.
> Many, many thanks,
> Ben Langdon
> Portland Secondary College
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