[English] Games4Learning Conference 24th March: Don't miss out!

Jo McLeay jbmcleay at gmail.com
Thu Mar 11 09:14:27 EST 2010

Dear Edulist subscribers (apologies for the crossposts)

The exciting GAMES FOR LEARNING CONFERENCE is on Wednesday March 24th
from 8.30 am to 3.30 pm

It is:

·        designed for all teachers both Primary and Secondary and of
all subjects and specialist ICT

·        examines the impact of games and game culture on learning and
society and gives ideas and resources on how to make the most of this

·        help introduce students to programming, a key skill necessary
for the 21st century

There are sessions on xBox, Game Maker, Kodu, Scratch, machinima,
Kahootz and Nintendo and many others. The Conference gives you:

    * the opportunity of meeting great educators involved in the field
of games for education

    * inspiration for Monday morning's lesson.

What is included?
Computer Lab facilities are provided. Morning tea and lunch is also provided

When is it?
Wednesday 24th March from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Forest Hills Centre for Digital Excellence at Forest Hills Secondary College
178 - 180 Mahoneys Rd
Burwood East VIC 3151
Melways Reference: Map 62 C5

To book: http://vitta.org.au/events/event/games4learning

This PD activity will contribute 6 hours of recognised PD. The
Victorian Institute of Teaching requires that to renew their
registration teachers must have completed a minimum amount of
professional development activities within a given timeframe –
currently phased up to 100 hours of recognised professional
development activity over 5 years.

Jo McLeay
The Open Classroom http://theopenclassroom.blogspot.com
Twitter id: jomcleay
ph 0402 087 017

The cure for boredom is curiosity; there is no cure for curiosity.
Dorothy Parker

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