[English] Google News Timeline

shermas at mlc.vic.edu.au shermas at mlc.vic.edu.au
Sat Apr 25 21:38:51 EST 2009

Does anyone know where to find a copy of the old black & white version of "A Tale of Two Cities"? 
Sue Sherman


From: english-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sent: Sat 25/04/2009 12:30 PM
To: oz-teachers at rite.ed.qut.edu.au; oztl_net at listserv.csu.edu.au
Cc: english at edulists.com.au; yr7-10it at edulists.com.au
Subject: [English] Google News Timeline

Google News Timeline


Google News Timeline is a new application that organizes search results

It allows users to view news, and other data sources, as a browsable,
graphical timeline.

Available data sources include recent and historical news, scanned
newspapers and magazines, blog posts, sports scores, etc, etc.

Timeline is most definitely a labs project. At this point, its grasp is
extraordinarily wide, but not that deep. If you want to search newspaper
content, for instance, you'll find all sorts of stuff from the Pittsburgh
Post-Gazette and the St. Petersburg Times. If you want anything from the
New York Times and the Washington Post, though, as yet you're out of luck.

Timeline Navigation: Specifying date ranges

When a date is entered into the search box, the timeline will navigate to
results centered on that period of time. For example, if you type "1977"
into the date field, the timeline will display "January 1977" on the left
side of the timeline.

The zoom level is determined automatically by the search term you enter.

For example, "2002" will set the zoom level to months, while "April 2002"
will set it to weeks and "April 15, 2002" will zoom by days.

Please note that the date field also recognizes phrases like today,
yesterday, this week or last week, and this month or last month...



Cheers people
Stephen Loosley
Victoria, Australia
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