[English] Re: Collaboration in Teaching and Learning Tankette -
stephen at melbpc.org.au
stephen at melbpc.org.au
Mon Sep 29 17:22:59 EST 2008
Hi Kerrie and all,
Well done EDNA, and DEEWR, on this initiative .. it's an exciting prospect.
With our anticipated 'national curriculum' (ie all Aussie schools teaching
much the same things at each level) the potential of teacher collaboration
takes on MUCH more significance in terms of curriculum resource finding and
sharing, and, across-schools student curriculum collaboration etc.
If all Aussie schools are teaching a very similiar curriculum, the future
market for ed-publishing is expanded dramatically, Australia-wide in fact,
instead of just state-wide so in future we can look forward to an exciting
range of top quality local education resources, both online, and in print.
And, one might think, teacher and school collaboration will become normal.
So it's vital that we soon establish the means by which the most effective
teacher and school collaboration can occur, to maximize the benefits of the
national curriculum.
Imho EDNA may seem to be the ideal group to create & foster collaborations.
So congratulations EDNA on this forward-looking and timely edu initiative,
and this very kind invitation to participate in your group think-tank, Kez.
I, for one, will enjoy participation in your important and 'listened-to-by-
the-gov' edu initiative. We MUST get it right, it's too important not to :)
Cheers, Kerrie
Stephen Loosley
> You're invited to participate in an open conversation about collaboration
i> n teaching and learning (CTL), online from 3 October 2008 to 14 November
20> 08 at http://www.groups.edna.edu.au/course/view.php?id=2010
> The Collaboration in Teaching and Learning Tankette is being conducted by
e> ducation.au (www.educationau.edu.au<http://www.educationau.edu.au>) as
part> of the Strategic ICT Advisory Service it is providing to the
of> Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR).
> To participate, you will need to register at edna groups at
http://groups.e> dna.edu.au/ and use the group invitation key CTL2010.
> The CTL Tankette (a small think tank), and the associated supporting
materi> als, will provide DEEWR with information to feed into their policy
p> rocess.
> It's an opportunity for you to contribute your views about collaboration
in> teaching and learning, provide examples of good practice, issues, and
chal> lenges, and contribute to innovative thinking about the future.
> The role of the CTL Tankette is to:
> § NOW: investigate the use of collaborative tools and methodologies in
t> eaching and learning in all sectors of education as it happens now.
> § FUTURE: investigate emergent collaborative methodologies and
technolog> ies in teaching and learning, focusing on general or specific
issue> s and innovations that may impact on the use and provision of
collaborative> methodologies, and looking to what is on the horizon and
> § ISSUES AND CHALLENGES: investigate the policy issues and challenges
fo> r education and training in using collaborative methodologies and
technolog> ies, focusing on the following areas:
> § Features and tools that contribute to the success of collaborative
met> hodologies
> § Identity management
> § Privacy
> § Safety
> § Content control and monitoring
> § Intellectual property
> § Behaviour
> § Moderation/Facilitation skills
> § Teacher training and professional development
> The CTL Tankette:
> § 3 October 2008 (Friday): Open conversations using discussion forums
an> d chat in an edna group at
http://www.groups.edna.edu.au/course/view.php?i> d=2010 from 3 October
2008 to 14 November 2008. Register with edna
groups> at http://groups.edna.edu.au, go to the groups site and use the
invitation> key CTL2010.
> § 31 October 2008 (Friday): An online 'tankette talk' using Wimba Live
C> lassroom at 11.00am Australian Eastern Standard Time for 10 by-
p> articipants.
> Everyone with an interest in collaboration in teaching and learning is
invi> ted to participate in the open conversations in the CTL group, and to
contr> ibute relevant materials - these may be podcasts, videos, photos,
documents> , posts, or URLs.
> Participants can contribute their own issues and challenges for
> · CTL Tankette group:
http://www.groups.edna.edu.au/course/view.p> hp?id=2010 (the conversation
starts 3 October 2008 and goes till 14
Novem> ber 2008)
> · SICTAS blog: http://educationau.edu.au/jahia/Jahia/pid/711
> · CTL tags: sictascollab
> · About the Strategic ICT Advisory Service (SICTAS)
http://www.ed> ucationau.edu.au/jahia/Jahia/pid/684
> The Strategic ICT Advisory Service (SICTAS) provided by education.au
(www.e> ducationau.edu.au<http://www.educationau.edu.au>), Australia's
not-for-prof> it ICT agency for education and training, is funded by the
Gover> nment Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations
> Regards
> Kerrie Smith
> Executive Officer
> education.au
> 182 Fullarton Road
> Dulwich, SA 5065
> p +61 8 8334 3235
> m 0402 892 055
> f +61 8 8334 3211
> e ksmith at educationau.edu.au<mailto:ksmith at educationau.edu.au>
> w educationau.edu.au
> blog: http://blogs.educationau.edu.au/ksmith
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