[English] Re: o/t: the VIT associated with spam email?

Gail reynolds.gail.g at edumail.vic.gov.au
Sat May 3 23:47:06 EST 2008

You've spoken for us all Greta!
Of course we all knew from the moment they argued the VIT fee structure on 
the spurious basis of beginning teachers being paid the equivalent of 
beginning lawyers that the VIT were NEVER going to be a trustworthy 
organisation with teachers best interests at heart didn't we?  And how right 
we were. Wish I got a lawyer's salary... or even half a lawyer's salary
Hope the VIT is reading this!!
Gail R

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Caruso, Greta" <Caruso.G at kingswoodcollege.vic.edu.au>
To: "VCE English Teachers' Mailing List" <english at edulists.com.au>
Sent: Friday, May 02, 2008 2:27 PM
Subject: RE: [English] Re: o/t: the VIT associated with spam email?

> Hi all,
> I am yet to be convinced that anything that VIT does has any value.
> So I will not even suggest that this might be useful initiative. But
> there are a few things that might help if we are to really be informed.
> First, I am speaking only on behalf of myself, but I have a long
> standing involvement with VATE and VATE PD in particular. I have
> differences with many of my VATE member friends about VIT and do not
> believe that VATE has a unified policy or line.
> John Mildren's statement that Pdi has been developed in response to the
> need expressed by 12000 teachers is quite misleading; these teachers
> simply responded to a series of questions sent out by VIT that begged
> the question What sort of PD do you need? and VIT then took it upon
> themselves to set up this hugely expensive and quite unnecessary website
> and service. He also fails to mention that the cost to providers is
> about $4000 per annum to be registered on the site, so it's not a case
> of the VIT finally doing something for members; it's VIT making more
> money and APPEARING to deliver a service.
> Some issues
> * There are many very small consultancy companies of 1-4 people
> who provide PD services. The $4,000 fee excludes them. This is
> especially pertinent when you consider that the supposed aim of the
> service is to help provide PD other than the "existing modes".
> * Why in the world should subject association (who are funded
> overwhelmingly by teachers) pay VIT (who teachers directly fund) for a
> service supposedly for teachers? So first I pay the be a member of VIT
> (compulsory) then I pay to be a member of VATE (voluntary), the VIT
> takes money from VATE to give to VIT!!!!
> * What is VIT going to do with the money?
> * Why do we need this service?
> * I really don't need anymore preaching to the converted spin
> about how great teachers are and I definitely don't need to see anymore
> photographs of VIT dignitaries, gladhanding someone or another and
> giving them a certificate or signing a MOU. I would however like my card
> to be plastic coated so that I can get it out of my wallet and in again
> without wrecking it, and for my money that does not seem too much to
> ask.
> VATE is one of the biggest suppliers of PD in the state. All the money
> goes back to the profession. The fees are very low and the feedback is
> generally very high. VATE already does VCAA's job for them in terms of
> providing support for the new study design especially and a great deal
> of this work is actually done for fee.
> And for those with the stamina to still be reading, remind me to tell
> you about how they celebrate National Teachers' Day in Cuba. One of the
> highlights of my life was to be there for this day last year 22 December
> also my 50th birthday. Now there is a country that knows how to
> celebrate teachers.
> Greta Caruso
> -----Original Message-----
> From: english-bounces at edulists.com.au
> [mailto:english-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of
> stephen at melbpc.org.au
> Sent: Friday, 2 May 2008 1:27 AM
> To: itapps at edulists.com.au; english at edulists.com.au
> Cc: pdi at vit.vic.edu.au; offtopic at edulists.com.au
> Subject: [English] Re: o/t: the VIT associated with spam email?
> Hmm,
> It seems a poor start to a fine Teacher PD initiative.
> Under my understanding of Australian law, all emails 'must' have a name
> and valid reply-address, otherwise it's illegal and the sender
> actionable.
> The email in question was anonymous, and although I'm not game to try
> (in
> case it fails) I could bet the sender address bounces, or does not
> connect
> with a human. If not, failing both counts, it's illegal spam, no
> question.
> Of deeper concern, I don't remember giving the VIT the right to pass on
> my
> email address to some group or other that uses 'xmr3.com' company
> services.
> By all means, my esteemed VIT, send me all the email you want, but I
> will
> have it signed by a person, and from a proper VIT email address, thank
> you!
> And I would much prefer you didn't mess with the good name of our VIT,
> and
> a fine VIT PD initiative, with what can only be seen as a grubby
> promotion.
> Anyway, across the three mailing lists I sent my email to, here are
> email
> responses sent to the lists by colleagues. One can see the response to
> the
> VIT email is dismal.
> In closing, I feel annoyed that the VIT has shown unprofessional,
> possibly
> illegal, conduct regards what should be a source of pride for VIT
> members!
> --
> "Yes Stephen, and it automatically went to my Junk Folder...!!!" Roslyn
> "Yep. Since VIT never sends anything remotely useful or relevant, I just
> assumed it was phishing and deleted it." Cameron
> "Yes. It seemed to come from a respectable source so I opened it. Didn't
> say much though." Robyn
> "If you read Circular 7/2008 from VIT you will get a better idea of
> what PDi is. I must confess, the eMail confused me as well (and i was
> at a briefing recently where it was mentioned ! :( ) Not sure about VIT
> and Spam, possibly just poorly worded releases to inform teachers of new
> developments." Max
> "Rather than try to work it out, I just deleted it along with a quantity
> of spam." Pam
> "After finding it in my junk email box, I did have a look. It all
> downloaded and I went through the PD lists. Noticed only one VATE PD
> there
> which was disappointing so its not a very comprehensive list. VATE gives
> great value for its membership fee....and gives you a membership card
> that
> doesn't crumple!" Jan
> Original email:
> Hi all,
> This strange email arrived today .. did anyone else get one?
> --
> From: Victoria Institute of Teaching <pdi.vit.vic.edu.au at xmr3.com>
> To: stephen at melbpc.org.au
> Date:   Mon, 28 Apr 2008 06:53:00 -0400
> Subject:   PDI - The Right PD Choice
> <snip, a very large graphic, which i declined to download>
> "As a teacher you constantly reflect on your knowledge and look for new
> ways to engage your students in learning. Professional development is an
> integral part of the ongoing commitment to being a better teacher.
> Pdi is the new online search engine that makes choosing PD easy. With
> the
> most powerful database of PD providers in Australia, you can search by
> course, subject, content or provider. Searching is simple and Pdi
> connects
> you directly with providers.
> All the PD on Pdi references the standards of professional practice and
> principles of effective professional learning - your assurance of
> quality
> and relevance. To make the right PD choice, enter Pdi now."
> <snip, another two large graphics, also declined>
> <end of email>
> --
> So it appears the VIT are somehow associated with badly-written
> spam-email.
> For example, at <http://www.vit.vic.edu.au/content.asp?Document_ID=833>:
> --
> Pdi the right PD choice
> Opening Term 2, 2008
> Online access to thousands of PD services, programs and providers.
> Pdi will help teachers meet the new professional development
> requirements
> by offering information on a wide range of provider programs and
> services.
> Teachers can use Pdi as a one-stop-shop for all their PD needs.
> For more information
> Email  pdi at vit.vic.edu.au
> --
> as proud VIT members
> tell us it ain't so ..
> Stephen Loosley
> Victoria, Australia
> Message sent using MelbPC WebMail Server
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> VCE English Teachers' Mailing List kindly supported by
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