[English] Internal Reportingof Unit 3

Julie Thomas jt at brightp12.vic.edu.au
Fri Jun 13 11:37:44 EST 2008

Hi Max,

We do provide internal reports for Unit 3. We give S or N for outcomes,
with an S or N overall; no grades (letter or number) are given until after
SACs have been assessed and moderated. These grades do not appear on
reports, but are given to kids on a feedback sheet attached to their work.
Currently, we use the templates which appear in Insight's "English for
Year 12, in conjunction with the descriptors from the VCAA English
assessment handbook (and hard work we're finding it, too! Would love the
opportunity to talk more about that wretched Creating & Responding task
and what is required of the kids; will save that for the ning, but
probably won't get there until the hols...too busy until then...like
everyone else!)

We give the kids these sheets with both a numerical result and a letter
grade, as well as feedback in the form of comments.

The S or N on the report is based on students' satisfactory completion of
all the required coursework leading up to the relevant SAC.

Hope this is of some use.

Julie Thomas
Teacher Librarian
Bright P-12 College
Bright      3741

> Hi Folks,
> I have some queries relating to internal reporting of Uni t3 subjects.
> We are currently reviewing our rpeorting system and thi si one of the
> questions that we are looking at.
> I'd like to know :
> 1. Do you provide an internal report on Unit 3.
> 2. If you do , do you report only 'S' and 'N' or do you provide a
> grade for each of the outcomes.
> 3. if yes to 2, how do you arrive at the grade.
> 4. If yes to 2 , do you include SAC results as well as coursework.
> 5. Do you assess coursework or just comment on student's progress.
> 6. Do you provide students with the numerical results of their SACs
> Weighty questions I know in th emiddle of exam time, but I reason that
> theses matters would be uppermost in your mind just now.
> I'll appreciate any and all answers.
> Max Duthie
> Senior Studies Coordinator
> Ballarat Christian College
>                           mailto:mduthie at ncable.net.au
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