[English] Text Selection 7 - 9

sharmick at tpg.com.au sharmick at tpg.com.au
Wed Aug 13 18:02:16 EST 2008

Animal Farm by Orwell

Quoting James Craig <craig.james.r at edumail.vic.gov.au>:

> Hello,
> Obviously this topic gets a fair working over in this forum, but
> we're  
> at that juncture of the year where we are dissatisfied with our  
> current text choices and have to spend the budget.  So, if you've
> come  
> across any ...
> Novels for 7 - 9.   We're a little tired of teen stories for  
> entertainment masquerading as novels of ideas that are suitable for 
> study.  How many texts on teen crushes, bullying, loneliness,  
> isolation etc. can be written for kids? Great in the library,  
> sometimes hard to get a satisfying angle on when teaching. As an  
> example, we love The Boy In The Striped Pajamas.  Any thoughts?
> Likewise short story collections?
> Any inspiration would be greatly appreciated. By hell we need it!
> Cheers!
> James Craig
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