[English] fwd: Emerging Technologies, Evolving PedagogiesPD

Robyn Kuchel brku at netconnect.com.au
Thu May 31 21:07:59 EST 2007

Amanda and Terry

Do you two realise that you are having this conversation on the English 
mailing list?

Robyn Kuchel
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Amanda McGraw" <a.mcgraw at ballarat.edu.au>
To: "VCE English Teachers' Mailing List" <english at edulists.com.au>
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2007 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: [English] fwd: Emerging Technologies, Evolving PedagogiesPD

> HI Terry,
> How are you and what are you up to?
> Interested in visiting Ballarat some time during the year?
> I'm back into the world of English - which has been great.  Am taking the 
> Eng method unit.  Perhaps I could organise an excursion to the VATE office 
> for my students and you could come and meet them there.  I'd love it if 
> you could talk with them about some of the current issues in English. 
> What do you think?
> Amanda
> Amanda McGraw
> Coordinator, Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary)
> School of Education
> University of Ballarat
> Mt Helen Campus
> Phone: +61 3 53 279720
> Email: a.mcgraw at ballarat.edu.au
>>>> <brennanhayes at netspace.net.au> 31/05/2007 11:26 am >>>
> Amanda
> Contact SLAV at slav at netspace.net.au.  Mention my name.
> Terry Hayes
> Quoting Amanda McGraw <a.mcgraw at ballarat.edu.au>:
>> Are you able to email a registration form to me?  I haven't been able to 
>> find
>> any information on the Curriculum Corp website and am unsure how to 
>> register.
>> Amanda McGraw
>> Amanda McGraw
>> Coordinator, Graduate Diploma of Education (Secondary)
>> School of Education
>> University of Ballarat
>> Mt Helen Campus
>> Phone: +61 3 53 279720
>> Email: a.mcgraw at ballarat.edu.au
>> >>> Stephen Loosley <stephen at melbpc.org.au> 29/05/2007 6:22 pm >>>
>> Join us for the Curriculum Corporation and the School Library Association 
>> of
>> Victoria annual ICT conference
>> Emerging Technologies: Evolving Pedagogies
>> FRIDAY 15 JUNE 2007, 8.30am * 3.00pm
>> Keynote speaker Dr John Hedberg investigates the concept of disruptive
>> technologies and their applications within the context of using new
>> technologies to support the Victorian Essential Learning Standards 
>> (VELS).
>> John's presentation cover topics such as:
>> using technologies to convey ideas that you cannot
>> achieve in any other way
>> creating new forms of sharing and supporting the
>> production of individualproducts and artefacts
>> the rise of Web 2 and open source options choosing
>> the best technology tool match for the learning task.
>> Dr Hedberg's keynote is supported by a range of tech-savvy educators who 
>> will
>> illustrate case studies and examples of how new technologies are being 
>> used
>> to effect pedagogical change.
>> The program includes:
>> * Creating an ICT-rich learning environment  Don Collins
>> Coburg Senior High School is creating a state-of-the-art education and
>> training institution demonstrating innovative and creative approaches for
>> individual students. Don will discuss the planning and development of the
>> facility and the success of the ICT-rich 'learning commons' where 
>> students
>> and teachers work collaboratively on learning tasks.
>> * The Le at rning Federation (TLF) digital content: supporting quality 
>> teaching
>> and learning (Primary & Secondary Focus) Dr Olivia Clarke
>> Olivia will update participants on the national initiative that is making
>> high-quality digital content freely available to all schools. See some 
>> newly
>> released content for secondary and primary students, hear how some 
>> teachers
>> are integrating the content into their classroom practice and learn about
>> some of the new and exciting projects underway.
>> * iPods and vodcasting for learning at Heathmont College (Secondary 
>> Focus)
>> Cecilie Murray and teachers from Heathmont College.
>> Unique collaboration between school and business has provided new 
>> learning
>> opportunities for Heathmont College, where new technologies engage 
>> student
>> thinking and imagination.This session gives an overview of an innovative
>> research project and provides implementation strategies. Investigating 
>> the
>> potential of iPods, vodcasting and iPodagogy to support learning and
>> teaching.
>> * Handheld computers in the Australian classroom (Primary Focus) Phil 
>> Callil
>> Handheld computers (Palms, PocketPCs, etc) offer the opportunity and 
>> promise
>> of one-to-one learning with computers at a significantly more affordable 
>> cost
>> than laptop solutions. The students' excitement and motivation is obvious 
>> in
>> the classroom - but do they improve learning and if so, how?
>> Curriculum Corporation
>> Level 5 Casselden Place
>> 2 Lonsdale Street
>> Melbourne 3000
>> Ph: +61 3 9207 9614
>> Fax: +61 3 9639 1616
>> Fax: 1300 780 545 (within Australia Only)
>> --
>> Cheers all ..
>> Stephen Loosley
>> Victoria, Australia
>> .
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