[English] Teaching opportunity

Gail reynolds.gail.g at edumail.vic.gov.au
Thu Mar 15 11:45:57 EST 2007

I am off to London for the birth of my first grandchild in April -- May. Is=
 anyone out there interested in taking on 6 1/2 weeks of English teaching in=
 Rowville SC at the beginning of next term?  
  a..  4 days a week, Mon, Tues, Thurs, Friday 
  b.. Rowville is about half an hour down the Monash Freeway from say, Cambe=
rwell (against the traffic!!)
  c..  The allotment is Year 11 English X 2 with Night as the major text; Ye=
ar 11 Lit texts: Moulin Rouge and Catcher In the Rye; and Year 9/10 English=
 across the curriculum which is largely homework help, English skills buildi=
ng, listening to them read, supervising research skills...what ever they nee=
d delivered with lots of reassurance. It is quite a relaxed class where the=
 students are expected to take responsibility for what they are doing each l=
If you are interested you can call the school 9755 4555 and ask for Glenn Fa=
nkhauser, our principal, or flip me an email reynolds.gail.g at edumail.vic.gov=
.au and I'll pass it on. (I think Glenn is going to advertise in The Age on=
 Saturday this week.)

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