[English] Ideas for a new anthology would be good

gillpm at mlc.vic.edu.au gillpm at mlc.vic.edu.au
Mon Oct 30 09:38:59 EST 2006

I'm going to pop a tiny little unit getting students to think about what
it is to be Australian in the mail. We used it in theory of knowledge
with year 11 students.

Prue Gill

Teacher of Literature and Theory of Knowledge

Methodist Ladies' College 
207 Barkers Road, Kew Vic 3101, Australia
Ph: (03) 9274 6493
Fax: (03) 9819 2345
gillpm at mlc.vic.edu.au 

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-----Original Message-----
From: english-bounces at edulists.com.au
[mailto:english-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of Wilson, Jill
Sent: Monday, 30 October 2006 9:06 AM
To: VCE English Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: RE: [English] Ideas for a new anthology would be good

Dear Margaret

Many many thanks.  I'm not familiar with these so they will be great to
follow up.


-----Original Message-----
From: english-bounces at edulists.com.au
[mailto:english-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of Margaret Zeegers
Sent: Sunday, 29 October 2006 11:58 AM
To: english at edulists.com.au
Subject: Re: [English] Ideas for a new anthology would be good

I have a couple of suggestions:
The Prologue from Feral Kid (p. 7) as well as the chapter 26 'Morning'
from the same book, pp 163-164 (part of a homelessness theme re place,
and personal shaping

I would also suggest any passage at all from Steven Herrick's 'By the
River', but especially 'Sometime, someday' pp. 201-202 and 'The Big
River', pp. 24-25


Dr Margaret Zeegers
Senior Lecturer
School of Education
University of Ballarat
University Drive
Mt Helen
Australia, 3363

Ph: + 61 3 5327 9327
Fax: + 61 3 5327 9717
email: m.zeegers at ballarat.edu.au

>>> "Wilson, Jill" <jill.wilson at curriculum.edu.au> 10/27/06 1:39 PM >>>
Dear group
I am hoping that some of you might be interested in helping with a
project I'm currently managing.  Curriculum Corporation will be
publishing the following in January 2008:
The project is a collection of writing and art which has attempted to
characterise Australians, a collection of text types which explore
notions of Australian identity.  It will include a range of genres that
are engaging for an upper secondary school audience (Year 11 - 12) as
well as a general audience.  


The aim is to compile a collection of voices which are diverse,
contradictory, provocative and, at times, complementary of each other.
The text as a whole is designed to explore the notion of identity and,
in particular, the conversations, past and present, that Australians
have about who they are and what has shaped them as a people.  It will
provide a richness of materials, speculative opportunities and space for
reflection about this issue.   The themes are outlined at the end of the


I would like some ideas from all of you as practising English teachers -
do you have favourite pieces tucked away that we could use?  The text
types are varied - poetry, extracts from novels, cartoons, essays,
newspaper articles, artwork etc.

We would pursue the copyright on anything you suggest that is selected.
I'm afraid that there is only glory in the project, not money attached
to helping but we will acknowledge your help.
Any suggestions can be posted to me or emailed (if you have it in
electronic form).  My mailing address is:
Jill Wilson
Curriculum Corporation
PO Box 177
Carlton South 3053
If you need an Express Post bag to help with this, just send me an email
with your mailing address.  It you sned anything, can you please attach
a copy of the publication details so we can chase copyright.  
The collected voices are intended to produce an energetic and engaging
approach to being Australian.  The collection should be
non-stereotypical, focused on the contemporary as well as traditional
views of what it is to be Australian.  The collection should include
pieces which relate to and "speak to" each other as well as pieces which
problematise the content. As a text for English classrooms, the text
will range across modes of expression from fine literary writing to
pictures to pieces expressing strong arguments.


The intention is that school students emerge with:

*	interest in and increased understandings of how and why identity
is talked about and represented
*	some knowledge of traditional ways in which questions of
identity have been approached in Australia
*	awareness of competing, contradictory and contemporary views of
this topic.
*	having participated in discussions about contesting views of
what it is to be Australian
*	the joyful experience of experiencing good writing and finely
honed argument.


 The resource is intended to include content about the following: 


Shapers of identity like:

*	The places "we" live: Landscapes - Eastern seaboard/vast empty
interior, urban landscapes, rural landscapes, the beach
*	Who are "we"?: People and events - Recent and past events which
have shaped attitudes and values, prominent Australians, Indigenous
people of Australia, immigrants to Australia


Expressions of identity like:

*	The way "we" talk about ourselves - How we are constructed by
and in the media -opinion, reflection and commentary, major political
*	How do "we" see ourselves? - depiction of Australia and
Australians in The Arts (literature, visual arts, music, television
shows and film)
*	The games we play - National pride in sporting achievement,
sporting events and their significance, sporting heroes
*	How  do "we" represent ourselves?: Icons as reflections of
Australian identity

Many thanks


Jill Wilson

Manager, Studies of Asia

Curriculum Corporation

Level 5 Casselden Place

2 Lonsdale Street

Melbourne 3000

Ph:  +613 9657 9773

Fax: +613 9639 1616

Fax: 1300 780 545 (within Australia Only)

Email: jill.wilson at curriculum.edu.au 

Web Site: http://www.curriculum.edu.au <http://www.curriculum.edu.au/> 


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