[English] FW: Year 11 English texts

shermas at mlc.vic.edu.au shermas at mlc.vic.edu.au
Wed Jun 28 11:33:08 EST 2006

Hi English teaching colleagues,  
 I  hope you're  enjoying your holidays.  I'm wondering if anyone
suggest an  Australian short story anthology covering writers from early
to fairly recent times - and exploring myths and stereotypes (e.g that
the bush and the outback are what is quintessentially Australian) .This
is because Selected Aust Short Stories ed.Kerryn Goldsworthy is going
out of print next year and I'm looking for something that would be
suitable for year 11.
Also, what about suitable texts by Australian women writers - apart from
'The Dressmaker and 'Stolen'? (any genre except film)? and Australian
poetry collections as 2 Centuries of Aus Poetry - ed. Mark O'Connor may
not be reprinted next year.  
Grateful for any suggestions, 
Sue Sherman

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