[English] The I am not in the office spam -- from the Administrator

Janet McCurry mccurryj at netspace.net.au
Thu Jul 13 22:02:56 EST 2006

This is wonderful news Kevin...as Tom Liddicoat says to long suffering
markers,  "Onward..."


From: english-bounces at edulists.com.au
[mailto:english-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of mail.edulists.com.au
Sent: Thursday, 13 July 2006 9:54 PM
To: VCE English Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: [English] The I am not in the office spam -- from the Administrator

Dear long suffering English teachers,
      The dreaded out of offce spam has been killed off.
I have also built in some extra filtering so that if the exact characters
"out of office" appear in an email subject ANYWHERE, the email will be
killed off without hitting the list. There are ways around it , such as an
extra space between the words, but we we will assume people who are
genuinely out of the office will be able to construct the phrase with the
correct spelling and spacing and will have it in the subject of the email.
We will deal with variations if and when we have to.
     There may be some testing in the next few days just to ensure the
filtering is working as expected, however do not be alarmed as the out of
office subject line will state it is for testing only.
       The damage seems to have been done between midnight and 9 am this
morning  ( Thursday ). 
        I know this filtering works because I wrote this email with the
    "The Out of Office SPAM -- from the Administrator " and it never got
through , hence the re-phrasing of the subject line on the second attempt

We move forward.
With thanks
Kevork Krozian
Mailing List Creator and Administrator
kevork at edulists.com.au
Tel: 0419 356 034

Kevork Krozian
Mailing List Creator and Administrator
kevork at edulists.com.au
Tel: 0419 356 034
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