[elearning] ACCELN Hangout: Are we seeing the end of school as we know it? with Bruce Dixon #ACCE2016 keynote

Roland Gesthuizen rgesthuizen at gmail.com
Mon Jun 20 18:44:43 AEST 2016

Join Amanda Rablin <https://plus.google.com/u/0/109707028420448830743> and
I for another ACCELN hangout tonight at 7:30 pm AEST with Bruce Dixon
<https://plus.google.com/u/0/112507317880218685608>. co-founder of
Educating Modern Learners and co-founder Anytime Anywhere Learning
Foundation and #ACCE2016 keynote. How do you identify with the many changes
our modern world should (or could) have on the way that our schools
function? It is the end?


Today, we are facing a critical time when we have to decide how much we
want to hang onto the nostalgia of the past and the institution of school
that we have traditionally known, and how much we need to let go; to
determine what alternatives might not just be appealing, but more
importantly viable, and to what extent such a shift is inevitable, probable
or impossible.

If you want to be part of the broadcast panel (max of 5) let Amanda or I
know and come with your thoughts on the topic so we can have a lively,
constructive and informative debate around the question that we should be
discussing more often and more openly.

Otherwise, just click on the link and sit back for a fireside chat. Viewers
will be able to ask questions on the panel live during the event from the
youtube page and on twitter with hashtag #acceln

You can find out more about #ACCE2016
<https://plus.google.com/u/0/s/%23ACCE2016> at acce2016.acce.edu.au

Regards Roland

PS: Ok our reports are done and if we are lucky, Amanda may try and sing
"Let it Go" a few times in this event - you have been warned!

Roland Gesthuizen

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has." --Margaret
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