[elearning] oldies but goodies

Ros Meadows ros.meadows at gmail.com
Wed Feb 17 10:56:43 EST 2010

Roland - I think technology has changed family relationships for the
    * I now no longer have to scream and yell to the other end of the house
to get my family out of their bedrooms and up to the dinner table - one
simple sms does the trick!
    * I can follow my children's antics/photos etc on facebook, plus
comment!!! This has brought me much closer to them and many of their friends
- many of whom have also added me as a friend :-)
    *When my daughter has not arrived home at 4am and her phone is not
answering (flat battery??) I just post to her facebook "Where's Monica" and
usually one of her friends will answer it with something like "We are in the
city waiting for a taxi" (they all have facebook and internet access on
their phones!! It's just the batteries that are the problem!!)
    *As a family we can share our photos via the web or MMS
    *Putting my mother (who lives in the country) on my mobile plan
(something I did about 6 years ago) now means I talk to her at least once a
week (but usually 3 or 4 times) for as long as we like instead of the
hurried calls we used to have because of the cost of STD calls and her
reluctance to use her phone or allow me to use mine for long distance ("We
better hang up darling this is costing money")
    *Both of my children will (strangely) talk much more openly to me via
facebook or MSN chat than what they would face to face - even though they
may just be down the hallway in their bedrooms!!!!
    *We can all keep in touch much better (via phone, SMS, MMS and chat)
when travel and holidays keep us physically apart.

Although I must admit I think the basis of good family relationships goes
back to my first point - dinner together as a family at the table every
night with the TV and all computers and phones OFF!!! Unfortunately nobody
told the telemarketers about this so now we even take the home phone off the

Ros M
0412 614 062

On Sun, Nov 22, 2009 at 7:36 PM, Roland Gesthuizen <rgesthuizen at gmail.com>wrote:

> Interesting article in The Age that languished as a draft for too long on
> my PC. An oldie but still worth passing on. Not such much about computer
> geeks but it does give a clue into the mind of what now might motivate our
> students.
> "Young people live life faster," says Lyn Goodall, president of the
> Melbourne PC User Group. "They don't have a need or a wish to know what is
> going on under the bonnet of their computer." The modern young geek seems
> content to socialise online, rather than seek physical company of fellow
> geeks.
> http://www.theage.com.au/news/technology/a-bunch-of-old-mugs/2007/04/09/1175971018533.html?page=fullpage
> And this article that considers how Technology has changed the family
> relationships at home, sometimes for the worse.
> http://www.theage.com.au/news/technology/tech-threatens-family-bonding-study/2007/04/11/1175971146577.html
> Regards Roland
> --
> Roland Gesthuizen - ICT Coordinator - Westall Secondary College
> http://www.westallsc.vic.edu.au
> "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can
> change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has." --Margaret
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