[edugames] Growing the learning landscape with iPad2

Bridie Mackay bridie at vitta.org.au
Fri May 6 12:57:36 EST 2011


Teachers wanting to learn more about the use of iPads for classroom teaching
and learning may be interested in the following professional learning

Growing the Learning Landscape with iPad2

Experience leading peer educators and external industry experts from Apple
as they present innovative learning solutions for both within and beyond the
classroom. MAC1 invites you to discover how the iPad 2 is set to take
student outcomes to an entirely new level, delivering an engaged learning
platform never before experienced, all from one highly mobile device.

When: Friday 13 May 2011

Time: 9.00am or 2.00pm

Where: Melbourne Grammar School, Nigel Peck Centre for Learning and

For more details and to register go to


Kind regards







Bridie Mackay
Senior Project Officer
Victorian Information Technology Teachers Association
T: +61 3 9495 6836
F: +61 3 9495 6834
E: bridie at vitta.org.au
Suite 209, 134-136 Cambridge Street
PO Box 1099
Collingwood, VIC, 3066

Bookmark VITTA's Professional Learning Program 2010


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