[edugames] Edulists upload facility for sample work, SACs, exams, etc.

Kevork Krozian kevork at edulists.com.au
Mon Feb 8 21:37:15 EST 2010

 Hi Folks,

  As there will be multiples of this post please accept my apologies.

 For a while I have felt a better way to share resources could be 
implemented at Edulists. Sure email attachments are ok and can continue 
however I have set up a slightly more efficient system.
  I have recently introduced a simple upload facility via a form on a web 
page to send all the work you wish to make available for your colleagues.
 The link is at the top of the home page ( graphic attached ) and is a 
simple to use system to upload all types of work such as:

   1. Sample SACs
   2. Sample Exams
   3. Worksheets
   4. Training material
   5. Exemplary student work
   6. or any other document or file or package you feel is worth sharing.

 Simply select the area the submission is best suited to ( multiple 
selections on the form are permitted ) and submit. There is an 8 MB limit at 
 There is an acknowledgment that you wish to share these resources with 
 In keeping with longstanding Edulists practice and not least, legal 
requirements, there will be full full reference/acknowledgment and respect 
for intellectual ownership/property when the resource is relocated to the 
appropriate web area.

 Any queries feel free to contact me.

 Best Wishes

Kevork Krozian
Edulists Administrator
kevork at edulists.com.au
Tel: 0419 356 034
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