[edugames] Podcasting for Learning in Healesville

Jo McLeay jo at vitta.org.au
Thu Apr 15 16:38:06 EST 2010

Dear Edulist subscriber, 

The Valley Professional Learning Network Meeting 

Come and meet Andrew Del Mastro from Melbourne facilitator of Beyond Chalk. To book: http://www.vitta.org.au/events/event/podcasting-for-learning 

Andrew will be holding a hands-on workshop on Podcasting for Learning. Podcasting can be an easy and enjoyable way for teachers to participate in lifelong-learning, and students learning both in and out of the classroom by both making podcasts and listening to them. Teachers will go away with confidence in their own skills, lots of hands-on opportunities for teachers of all year levels. Find out more here: 

The Valley PLN is a regional professional learning network to support the teaching and learning of ICT K-12. It is a learning community to encourage sharing of skills and ideas about ICT and education. 

A key role is to increase the amount and effectiveness of ICT professional learning available to teachers/educators in the Yarra Valley region in the era of anywhere, anytime learning. 

Who is it for? 

Any teacher is able to participate in the PLN regardless of age group or subject taught: Kindergarten, Primary, Post-Primary, Special, TAFE and system: Government, Non-Government. 

VITTA PLNs are open to all, not just VITTA members 

The Valley PLN Meeting - Podcasting for Learning 

WHEN: Thursday , 22nd April 

WHERE: Healesville Primary School, View Street, Healesville 

TIME: 4.30 - 6.30 pm 

COST: $30.00 inc gst 


Jo McLeay 
Professional Learning Officer 
Victorian Information Technology Teachers Association 
T: +61 3 9495 6836 
M: +61 (0) 402 087 017 
E: jo at vitta.org.au 
W: www.vitta.org.au 
Suite 209, 134 - 136 Cambridge St, 
Collingwood, VIC, 3066, Australia 

VITTA ~ supporting ICT Educators anywhere, any time 
Bookmark VITTA's Professional Learning Program 2010 
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