[Design and Technology] VITTA PD - Mildura - VELS & Game Maker - Weds 10 Oct 07

Caroline Bailey caroline at vitta.org.au
Mon Oct 8 15:03:24 EST 2007

Sorry for the cross-posts...

Attention teachers in the Mildura and Loddon Mallee regions... 

VITTA and the Loddon Mallee DoE are pleased to offer 4 sessions on VELS for ICT and Game Maker. Separate sessions are being run for VELS ICT Primary and Secondary teachers, and are presented by Paula Christophersen, ICT Curriculum Manager, VCAA and Denise Mendham, Glenroy West Primary School. 

Game Maker is a free Windows programming language, and is suitable for years 3 to 12 teachers, especially year 11 Unit 2 teachers. 2 sessions are being offered, one for beginners, and another for intermediate and advanced users (although beginners are welcome if they can't attend the beginners session). Tony Forster is an experienced presenter from the Programming, Multimedia and Maths Cluster. 

Weds 10 Oct 

10.15 Registrations 

VELS Primary 
Adv/Int Game Maker (beginners welcome) 



VELS Secondary 
Beginners Game Maker 

3.45 Close 

Please note sessions are running concurrently. 

VELS sessions: Grand Hotel, Mildura 
Game Maker sessions: CASES lab, DoE Offices, Mildura 

Fees (per person, per session, inclusive of GST)
Individual membership: $112.50
School membership $130
non-member: $145

Online registrations now open at vitta.org.au/events
Payment is not required before attending the event so don't worry if you don't have time to organise before Weds 10/10. 

Full details are in the attached invite. Places are limited. Teachers from other states are welcome.

Regards, Caroline 

Caroline Bailey 
Professional Learning Coordinator (Tue-Wed-Thu) 
VITTA - Victorian IT Teachers' Association 
T: +61 3 9495 6836 F: +61 3 9495 6834 
E: caroline at vitta.org.au W: www.vitta.org.au 
Suite 202, 134-136 Cambridge St 
Collingwood, VIC, 3066, Australia 


* Wed 10 Oct - Mildura - VELS & Game Maker 
VITTA Annual Conference - Nov 19-21 

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