[Informatics] Y12 Data Analytics Practice Exams

Litsa Tzelepis htzelepis at msj.vic.edu.au
Mon Sep 14 03:04:34 UTC 2020

and the textbook has one too :)

On Mon, Sep 14, 2020 at 12:42 PM rbyrne <rob at netspace.net.au> wrote:

> I got one from QATs I have not looked at it yet but at least it is some
> kind of practice
> Rob
> On 14 Sep 2020, at 11:50 am, Tony Crewe <TonyCrewe at caulfieldgs.vic.edu.au>
> wrote:
> I've not seen this sample in my 'looking' anywhere.
> be nice to have a vcaa sample
> Tony
> ------------------------------
> *From:* informatics <informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au> on behalf of
> Laurie McDonald (Mr) <mcdonaldl at stmargarets.vic.edu.au>
> *Sent:* Monday, 14 September 2020 11:32 AM
> *To:* Year 12 VCE Informatics Teachers' Mailing List <
> informatics at edulists.com.au>
> *Subject:* Re: [Informatics] Y12 Data Analytics Practice Exams
> Hi All
> Hope you are going well.
> Not sure if I have missed anything from VCAA about the exam – has anyone
> seen anything?
> The last bit of info from VCAA I saw said  a sample would be out by end of
> term 2….
> <image005.png>
> *Kind Regards,*
> *Mr Laurie McDonald*
> *Digital Technologies*
> *From:* informatics <informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au> *On Behalf Of *Sylvia
> Pastore
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 8 September 2020 8:34 AM
> *To:* Year 12 VCE Informatics Teachers' Mailing List <
> informatics at edulists.com.au>
> *Subject:* Re: [Informatics] Y12 Data Analytics Practice Exams
> hi all
> We are looking at doing trial exams online. Apart from exam.net
> <https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=http%3a%2f%2fexam.net&c=E,1,4fNItXDqy41mKFf2w463VcuYfnsY6DPpvD-mx8DvewFT2nREKkd85AgZL41xFM3Pq-axZicdsEi4VYM8KiJQYUCGwWNd1r2bbShtwuTVcGib&typo=1>
> has anyone used any online platforms that they can recommend? thanks
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 9:26 PM Litsa Tzelepis <htzelepis at msj.vic.edu.au>
> wrote:
> Thank-you Tony - that's helpful.
> I'll watch out for them - I Thought I missed something.
> I found it tricky to come across them this year.
> I hope you're well and looking after yourself :-)
> Thank-you kindly,
> Litsa  🌸
> On Mon, Sep 7, 2020 at 9:20 PM Tony Crewe <
> TonyCrewe at caulfieldgs.vic.edu.au> wrote:
> QATS, Insight and DLTV are releasing one soon.
> No idea why vcaa aren’t providing a sample like they did with Informatics.
> Tony
> On 7 Sep 2020, at 9:17 pm, Litsa Tzelepis <htzelepis at msj.vic.edu.au>
> wrote:
> Hello, how is everyone? 🌻
> Does anyone know any other companies that have practice exams available?
> I have the:
>    - TSSM -  Unit 3 and Units 3 & 4 exams
>    - Textbook - Unit 3 & 4 exam
>    - TSSM - Teach Yourself Series (x8 topics)
> Also, we were told today at our staff meeting that our Y12 trial exams,
> usually held in the second week of holidays, will be cancelled as they are
> not considered "essential".
> So our practice will be after they return face to face in about week 3, if
> all goes well.
> thank-you,
> stay well
> Litsa 🍉
> --
> *Litsa Tzelepis*
> 7-12 Computing Teacher | Senior Cameron Learning Mentor
> Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College
> 133 Maidstone Street, Altona VIC 3018
> *t* 03 8398 2000
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> *Litsa Tzelepis*
> 7-12 Computing Teacher | Senior Cameron Learning Mentor
> Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College
> 133 Maidstone Street, Altona VIC 3018
> *t* 03 8398 2000
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*Litsa Tzelepis*

7-12 Computing Teacher | Senior Cameron Learning Mentor

Mount St. Joseph Girls’ College

133 Maidstone Street, Altona VIC 3018

t 03 8398 2000






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