[Informatics] RoboBus curriculum project

Roland Gesthuizen rgesthuizen at gmail.com
Mon Sep 16 12:15:18 UTC 2019

Early this year I first met Yen Siow who introduced me to an interesting project called Robobus for disadvantaged youth. Our team made some activity suggestions and I introduced her to some of my Scout contacts. Her charity, Father Bob Maguire Foundation has since finished fitting out a large bus for a rural STEM Education program with some makerthon sessions to test out. We hope to have a DLTV journal article that unpacks this cool project and perhaps even a showcase at the ACCE2020 conference next year https://dltv.vic.edu.au/ACCE2020

On October 3rd (during the term break) Yen is planning a small tour of interested people for their input and suggestions. Numbers are strictly limited but if you would like to contribute then please contact me directly <roland.gesthuizen at monash.edu> and I will forward on some details off-list.

Best of wishes, Roland
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