[Informatics] SCOPE: Science at Work
Roland Gesthuizen
rgesthuizen at gmail.com
Sat May 5 19:58:14 EDT 2018
A STEM story about Digital Technologies that the SCOPE team filmed with me for a ‘Science at Work’ episode will be broadcast on Sunday 6th May 2018, 10:00am on Eleven. The episode goes live on their website soon after: http://tenplay.com.au/channel-eleven/scope <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__tenplay.com.au_channel-2Deleven_scope&d=DwMF-g&c=tpTxelpKGw9ZbZ5Dlo0lybSxHDHIiYjksG4icXfalgk&r=3DeSneBDsxv0JelOICc9PzmbWRKoYhYAM14J6IZBE0A&m=pfUxscPNSDHuUe2MsEmoZenTyRyULX_C9OdOFOsnWiE&s=M7MwdGC7BVz8oUyba012bHnW0GZjv-JyEUlmBTBPAxE&e=>
If you have any feedback about the show, I would be happy to hear it! Enjoy :-)
Best of wishes, Roland
Roland Johannes GESTHUIZEN
STEM Method Lecturer & Professional Practice Consultant
Faculty of Education, Monash University
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