[Informatics] [Yr11 Information Technology] Farewell

Garth, Lucas A garth.lucas.a at edumail.vic.gov.au
Wed May 2 23:39:50 EDT 2018

Hi Mark

Thanks for your honesty and humour over the few years I have been teaching. It is great to have someone who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way, and I’m sure that many teachers have benefited greatly from your VCE Study Design and Examination interpretations over the years, among other contributions.

I do hope the post-mortems don’t disappear. They were always wonderful reading and I believe are excellent PD opportunities for those who have the pleasure of writing examinations into the future.

I’ll make sure I follow you in the twitterverse. @lucasgarth so you know how to mute / block me.


From: yr11it <yr11it-bounces at edulists.com.au> On Behalf Of Mark
Sent: Wednesday, 2 May 2018 11:46 PM
To: Year 12 VCE Informatics Teachers' Mailing List <informatics at edulists.com.au>; Year 12 Software Development Teachers' Mailing List <sofdev at edulists.com.au>; Year 11 Information Technology Teachers' Mailing List <yr11it at edulists.com.au>
Subject: [Yr11 Information Technology] Farewell

Hi all.

It has been fun chatting for many years, but it is now time for me to go.
I wish you all well.

I won't be following any Edulist threads henceforth, but I may occasionally post to Twitter, and my mark at vceit.com<mailto:mark at vceit.com> address is still currently active.

It's been a hoot.



Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com<mailto:mark at vceit.com>
Twitter @vceitcom<https://twitter.com/intent/follow?original_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fvceit.com%2Fwp%2F&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&region=follow_link&screen_name=vceitcom&tw_p=followbutton>

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