[Informatics] DigiTech webinars by VCAA for next week (Week 9 Term 1)

Feain, Philip A feain.philip.a at edumail.vic.gov.au
Fri Mar 23 00:49:02 EDT 2018

Dear All

The following are webinars that are being run by us at the VCAA for Digital Technologies next week (Week 9 of Term 1) for teachers and leaders in schools. I have included all details and the links below.

Our Specialist Teachers are running these webinars and I am also in the background for all of them.

Kind Regards


1.      Monday 26 March            Sean Irving (VCAA Specialist Teacher)        4.00pm-5.00pm

Title:      Teaching to the Data and Information strand (F-6)

Time:     1 hour

The Data and Information strand of the Digital Technologies curriculum at Levels F-6 seeks to inform students about the world of data. Students learn about data, patterns and numbers, ways to collect, store and validate data and how to plan, create and communicate ideas. This session will introduce the thinking behind the Data Information strand of the Digital Technologies curriculum. It will provide suggested approaches to teaching and example student activities.


*        Brief overview of the Data and Information strand

*        Unpacking content descriptions

*        Achievement standards

*        Suggested activities

Link: https://reg.eventgate.com.au/Event/10864/Teaching-to-the-Data-and-Information-Strand-F-6

2.      Tuesday 27 March            Richard Fox (VCAA Specialist Teacher)       4.00pm-5.00pm

Title:      Transition from Visual Programming languages to general-purpose programming languages in the Digital Technologies curriculum (7-8)

Time:     1 hour

At level 5 to 6 students can demonstrate programming using visual program platforms such as Scratch or Code.org. However, at level 7 to 8 students are required to use text-based programming. This webinar will cover teaching techniques for transitioning students from using "drag and drop" visual programming to text-based general-purpose programming.


*        Overview of Creating Digital Solutions strand

*        Algorithms

*        Suitable programming

*        Environments

*        Comparisons

*        Approaches to teaching

Link: https://reg.eventgate.com.au/Event/10868/Transition-From-Visual-Programming-Languages-to-General-Purpose-Programming-Languages-9-10

Phil Feain | Curriculum Manager, Digital Technologies
Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority
Level 32, Casselden
2 Lonsdale Street
Melbourne VIC 3000
T: 03 9032 1724 | 0428 329 759
E: feain.philip.a at edumail.vic.gov.au<mailto:feain.philip.a at edumail.vic.gov.au>
 The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority provides high quality curriculum, assessment and reporting that promotes individual lifelong learning.
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