[Informatics] Testing (fonts)

ken price kenjprice at gmail.com
Tue May 9 13:20:43 AEST 2017

At one point in the past I was involved in creating usernames for students
for a temporary system. We used the first 3 letters of given name followed
by some digits. Hence Mark might have username Mar123

We had one student with first name, "ilona"
( I had to write that in lower case to avoid the problem I am about to
The digits added turned out to be 110

So her username for her was Ilo110

Depending on typeface (and your mail client may use an offending typeface)
this may appear identical to 110110, LLOLLO or various other permutations
of 1, L, o and 0

Unfortunately the typeface chosen for the handouts to be given to students
rendered lowercase L and numeral 1 identically, and upper case letter o and
numeral zero identically.

It did take some time for the student to figure out the username assigned
to her. I think she had a good sense of humour about it, but it does
illustrate the typeface problem.

Ironically we had taken care to make the passwords unambiguous.


On Mon, 8 May 2017 at 10:37 pm, Mark <mark at vceit.com> wrote:

> Here's an example of choosing designing test data, and how good test data
> deliberately aims to find the weaknesses and faults of a solution.
> In this case, *fonts* are being tested by thinking up the most awkward
> words possible to see if they render properly in that font.
> https://www.wired.com/2017/05/weird-words-phrases-designers-use-test-fonts/
> --
> Mark Kelly
> mark at vceit.com
> http://vceit.com
> Powered by *sans serif.*
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Dr Ken Price MACS(Snr) CP ACCE Professional Associate.
Immediate Past President, TASITE http://www.tasite.tas.edu.au
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