[Informatics] Powerpoint from the VCAA session last Tuesday
Roger Sidhom
rsidhom at antonine.catholic.edu.au
Wed Mar 1 15:17:43 AEDT 2017
I gave the VCAA a call and they assured me that the link will be up ASAP. (no later than the end of the week.
On 1/03/2017, 1:58 PM, "informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of Benjamin Ratcliffe" <informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of Benjamin.Ratcliffe at yvg.vic.edu.au> wrote:
Hi all,
Has this been posted yet?
I haven’t seen it on this thread or straight from VCAA and I am beginning to wonder if it has been blocked by the school’s firewall.
Ben Ratcliffe
Year 9 Tutor and Teacher (Business Management, Media & Digital Technologies)
On 27/2/17, 15:29, "informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of Ciotti, George W" <informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of ciotti.george.w at edumail.vic.gov.au> wrote:
Hopefully it will come tonight, as I am preparing to introduce the SAT to my students tomorrow.
Computing, Informatics & Art teacher
UHS Web & eNews publications
The University High School
mob: 0412 934 782
On 26/2/17, 9:27 pm, "informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of Cleary, Patrick J" <informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of cleary.patrick.j at edumail.vic.gov.au> wrote:
>I emailed Judy or Julie, the person that ran the PD -
>She said it'd be posted out Monday :)
>I too want that PowerPoint!
>-----Original Message-----
>From: informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au] On Behalf Of Robert Koren
>Sent: Sunday, 26 February 2017 8:57 PM
>To: Year 12 VCE Informatics Teachers' Mailing List <informatics at edulists.com.au>
>Subject: [Informatics] Powerpoint from the VCAA session last Tuesday
>Hi all,
>Just wondering if anyone has got a copy of the power point from the VCAA session last Tuesday?
>Am hoping I did not miss some of the notes on there.
>Warm regards,
>Robert Koren
>Senior School Teacher
>Head of Digital Technologies Faculty 9-12
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