[Informatics] Robotic job hires

Roland Gesthuizen rgesthuizen at gmail.com
Fri Jul 14 15:22:19 AEST 2017

I wonder what would happen if we used AI and data analytics to decide the people who will represent us in parliament? 

Something that could read through the fake news, application lies, social media online engagement, policy evidence and make a shortlist or decision following and interview. 

Cheaper than political rallies, media or door knocking and harder to bribe.

Perhaps even answer the ultimate question!

Sent from my iPhone

> On 14 Jul 2017, at 3:05 pm, Mark <mark at vceit.com> wrote:
> An estimated 90 percent of large companies are using automated software to read and respond to resumes.
> From tracking software that reads a resume looking for key words to automated emails, phone interviews and skills testing — companies are doing less manual processing than ever before.
> http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-13/job-applications-why-you-should-consider-using-a-robot/8701834
> How could that possibly go wrong?
> -- 
> Mark Kelly
> mark at vceit.com
> http://vceit.com
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