[Informatics] Factors that harm accuracy. (Warning - bad cow jokes.)

Mark mark at vceit.com
Fri Sep 2 16:24:35 AEST 2016

Moo, Chris

Yes, I see what you mean: 'Timeliness' is included in the study design  -
Informatics U3O2 KK5 -  "criteria to check the integrity of data including
*timeliness*, authenticity, relevance, accuracy"

But surely a degradation of *timeliness* would also usually degrade
*accuracy**. *Data that is late to arrive or create can also become
inaccurate, like yesterday's stock prices or eBay bids on an item from 3
seconds ago.

So *timeliness* can affect *accuracy*. But a degradation of *accuracy* would
not affect *timeliness*.

Just because the study design lists separate factors does not mean they
must be completely unrelated.


P.S. I encourage people posting to Edulists to recognise the contribution
of Australian cows to the development of information technology in
Australia. I'm not sure how you could possibly do that, but I encourage it

On 2 September 2016 at 15:25, Paragreen, Chris J <
paragreen.chris.j at edumail.vic.gov.au> wrote:

> At the risk of muddying things (rain + paddocks = mud ?!) I think this
> refers to timeliness, rather than accuracy per se ….
> - going out of date - the state of the real world has changed (a few new
> cows were put into the paddock) but the data has not been updated to
> reflect that change.
> Or the number of cows had been copied from one database to a mirrored
> site, but the mirror has not been synchronised recently with the master
> copy so the mirror is no longer representative of the true current size of
> the herd of cows*.
> Regards,
> Chris


Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com
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