[Informatics] Some inspirtation for a new IMS case study

Mark mark at vceit.com
Sun Nov 27 20:42:12 AEDT 2016

Thanks, Heath. That's an interesting listen.

Few people know that, like Mrs Clinton, I also do not know how to use a
personal computer.

I deputise my computer activities to my trained chimp, Bongo, who has a
strange fascination for cow jokes.

I bet no-one has notice this before.

Please send bananas. Very hungry.


On Sun, 27 Nov 2016 at 8:19 PM, Matheson, Heath A <
Matheson.Heath.A at edumail.vic.gov.au> wrote:

> Dear Team,
> Some of the common themes in case studies we go through are dodgy backups,
> lost thumb drives, unsecure laptops, incompetent users, lack of up to date
> equipment and not protecting data the way the law requires. This story has
> it all. It’s a worry it’s about the US Government, the flaws in its e-mail
> system and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Surely we should
> send some Informatics students over there to fix their problems. Give
> yourself 19 minutes to listen to it.
> https://www.thisamericanlife.org/radio-archives/episode/601/master-of-her-domain-name?act=1#play
> The other two acts in this episode are very amusing, although not
> Computing related.
> Regards,
> Heath Matheson
> Mt Beauty SC
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