[Informatics] Info exam A15

Mark mark at vceit.com
Mon Nov 21 12:04:54 AEDT 2016

Apologies if this has been discussed earlier - I don't read exam-related
posts here until I've finished my post mortems.

re. A15 - the site map/storyboard Q. What did you guys think?

Were the arrows meant to say this is a storyboard and not a sitemap?

Since when can an exam assess knowledge of a diagram that VCAA invented out
of the blue, and is not defined anywhere else in any VCAA publication?

The study design and sample exam each only mention storyboards once, in
passing, as being related to site maps. That's it. No explanation of what
storyboards are, let alone what they look like.

VCAA was careful to define the formats for the ERD. Not for storyboards.

So it really annoys me when VCAA invent their own conventions and examine
students on them without warning.

I've seen site maps with navigation arrows in The Real World, so the
diagram could well be a site map.

The markers had better be instructed to accept either site map or
storyboard as correct answers !



Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com
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