[Informatics] SAT Hypothesis: spurious correlations

R.Bouman rbouman at gmx.com
Tue Mar 22 17:10:04 AEDT 2016

Hi all,

Reinier Bouman here.

Thank you all for the interesting examples. Here's another 2 examples

Who can forget the mighty Pythons and their 'she's a witch' scene
the script:http://lexx.thebruce.net/poem/monty.html
the 'tube vid:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lu5_5Od7WY

and then there's this lovely lil' example from this book:

"Rhetoric, Logic, and Argumentation: A Guide for Student Writers"
Prestwick House, Inc.
ISBN 978-1-60843-973-7

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