[Informatics] SAT Submission Timeline

Glennie, Derek D glennie.derek.d at edumail.vic.gov.au
Thu Jul 28 11:46:40 AEST 2016

Morning All,

Long time reader, first time contributor.

I'm nearing the final stages of my audit process (highlight of my year thus far), Just had a couple of quick questions so I can finally put this behind me.

How much time are people allowing students to complete each individual component of the SAT? Each component being folio, MMOS and written report? I have a very small class, so my teaching timeline is probably a bit more flexible than most. Just curious what others were doing.

Also curious if there is a school out there who would be interested in cross marking if the need arises? It will certainly help appease the audit gurus if the availability is there.

Thanks folks!


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