[Informatics] Unit 4 Audit

Mark mark at vceit.com
Tue Jul 12 15:19:13 AEST 2016

On 12 July 2016 at 11:45, Darren Scott <dscott at ccb.vic.edu.au> wrote:

> resources from accredited sources (DLTV, digipubs, vceit.com, the
> approved text books

I appreciate the kudos, Darren, but "accredited" is a not really the right
word. The only accredited source is VCAA.

Other publications may be quietly checked in a back room by VCAA before
publication, but they never get a 'stamp of approval'.

(But if VCAA ever slips into the study design a reference to Adam Sandler
or a serial killer - I'll consider myself 'accredited'. Sadly, the only
time VCAA got even *slightly* frisky was a thematic allusion to Charles
Schultz's *Peanuts* characters in the 2008 SD exam's section C

Neither the textbooks nor vceit.com is kosher, or even halal.

Shameless plug:

I mentioned during the holidays that I'd put up some solutions
<http://vceit.com/wp/informatics/informatics-vcaa-sample-exam-answers/> to
the VCAA sample questions for the new Informatics exam, and encouraged
people to ignore it at their earliest convenience. I am humbly grateful
that everyone took my advice.

But now that you're back at work, awake, and sober, you might find it
useful as a source of discussion with your kids as the end of year exam
approaches.  There are only 121 shopping days until the exam!



Mark Kelly

mark at vceit.com
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