[Informatics] Digital Technologies F-10 Course Semester 1 and Essential Learnings documents

Lisa Haranas lisa.haranas at overnewton.vic.edu.au
Mon Feb 29 14:50:24 AEDT 2016

Thanks so much for this Kim. The students at Year 7 and 8 are so lucky to have that much time dedicated to Digital Technologies!

Lisa Haranas
Deputy Head of Canowindra (Teaching & Learning)
Year 9 Digital Technologies Coordinator

On 23 Feb 2016, at 1:08 PM, Gration, Shannon K <gration.shannon.k at edumail.vic.gov.au<mailto:gration.shannon.k at edumail.vic.gov.au>> wrote:


Thanks for your email - glad my documents are useful to people out there.

At this stage I have only completed the 1st semester's unit planning - as reflected in the F-10 Course document.

All lessons are 50 mins and to be honest I'm already finding that P-6 lessons can easily go over into the next one.

Structure for the year will be:

All classes P-6 are 1 lesson per week of Digital Technologies for the year.

All classes 7-10 are 2 lessons per week - in semester units, that is:

Year 7 has 1 semester unit of Robotics and 1 semester unit of Digital Technologies.

Year 8 has 2 semester units of Digital Technologies (i.e. a full year's program).

Year 9/10 has 1 elective semester unit of Electronics and 1 elective semester unit of Digital Technologies.

All of the 'Specific I can statements' are taken directly from the elaborations in the VC. Suitable activities are then matched up with the content descriptors used.

Robotics is a hybrid of the Digital Technologies and Design and Technologies content descriptors.

For Electronics there are no real connections between the content descriptors in the VC Digital Technologies curriculum and electronics content and skills - at least not that I could see. There are, however, more valid links into the content descriptors of VC Science - Physical Sciences curriculum. That's what I have then used.

Hope this helps.

Feel free to shoot any more questions you may have my way.


Kim Gration
From: informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au<mailto:informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au> [informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au<mailto:informatics-bounces at edulists.com.au>] on behalf of Lisa Haranas [lisa.haranas at overnewton.vic.edu.au<mailto:lisa.haranas at overnewton.vic.edu.au>]
Sent: Monday, 22 February 2016 10:02 PM
To: Year 12 VCE Informatics Teachers' Mailing List
Cc: yr7-10it at edulists.com.au<mailto:yr7-10it at edulists.com.au>
Subject: Re: [Informatics] Digital Technologies F-10 Course Semester 1 and Essential Learnings documents

Hi Kim,

Thank you so much for sharing this information. It is great to see what someone else has been planning from a P - 10 level.

I am interested to know how many minutes per week are allocated to DigiTech at each year level?

I look after DigiTech at Year 9 at my school and have been working on meeting the needs of the curriculum through 2 electives, Game Development and Event Management. I’m happy to share some planning resources as I continue to develop these programs. I also also keen to see how you will include the Digital Technologies content descriptors in your program. At this stage, are you just covering Electronics? If so, how do you plan on linking this?

Kind Regards,

Lisa Haranas
Deputy Head of Canowindra (Teaching & Learning)
Year 9 Digital Technologies Coordinator

On 17 Feb 2016, at 3:09 PM, Gration, Shannon K <gration.shannon.k at edumail.vic.gov.au<mailto:gration.shannon.k at edumail.vic.gov.au><mailto:gration.shannon.k at edumail.vic.gov.au>> wrote:

Hi there all fellow list subscribers,

At the tail end of last year I requested any samples of course outlines etc. that anyone had developed around the new F-10 Digital Technologies Victorian Curriculum.

Like many schools, IT in our school had almost gone the way of the dinosaur until the decision was made to take on the VC from day one this year, thereby requiring the instant introduction of Digital Technologies F-10 and virtually zero current documentation to rehash it from.

Starting with virtually nothing, I have developed the attached outline for Semester 1 and am keen to share it with the Year 7-10 IT list as it seems little seems to happen on that list (at least compared to the Informatics list).

For those of you who are in schools who are using the PLC (Professional Learning Communities) model I have also attached an Essential Learnings spreadsheet for Digital Technologies F-10 that may be useful to you as well.

Both of these documents are my best attempts and are subject to revision, especially the Essential Learnings one. It was incredibly difficult to tell what was essential and what was not, as there were little if any current documents on the ground to base decisions around.

Hope they're helpful to someone else out there - there's 2 week's of holiday work in them.

Feel free to have a gander and let me know what you think. Positive comments are especially welcome.



Kim Gration
Prep-10 Digital Technologies/Robotics/Electronics/Year 9 Program/VCAL Numeracy Teacher
Camperdown College

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<DIG TECH PACING GUIDE & UNIT PLANS_YEARS F-10.docx><Essential Learnings_Digital Technologies.xlsx>_______________________________________________
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