[Informatics] DB Normalisation

Laurie Savage 08327998 at pvgc.vic.edu.au
Wed Feb 17 14:26:05 AEDT 2016

1NF should have one table with unique, simplified fields. It will contain a
lot of redundancy and each field will contain only piece of data.

Laurie Savage

Laurie Savage

On 16 February 2016 at 21:00, McCleary Scott <McCS at jpc.vic.edu.au> wrote:

> Good evening everyone,
> Just trying to get my head around the normalisation process and comparing
> what the text book says (well, the online version of chapter 1) with
> examples found on various websites.
> The book has First Normal Form (1NF) as being a single table with a
> (possibly) concatenated primary key.  This is on page 31.  Most of the
> examples I have seen on the web seem to have split their original table at
> this stage if it has repeating groups.  See
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9BuWCUQawY as an example.
> Is it ok to split tables and have multiples at this stage of the
> normalisation process or should we only have one table at 1NF?  Don’t want
> to present contradictory info to my students is all.
> Cheers,
> Scott McCleary
> John Paul College
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