[Informatics] GAFE Summit

Poke, Michael C poke.michael.c at edumail.vic.gov.au
Thu Feb 4 13:54:12 AEDT 2016

Hi all,
In the spirit of fairness and “friendly competition”, I’d like to let everyone know about the inaurgural Google Apps For Education Summit coming to the western suburbs this April. This is a high-quality, world-class event. Last year’s Summit in the East sold out early, so this new event was created out very high demand.  You can register HERE<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=eefdc3ae10&e=0ddfab699d> and still get the early-bird rate.

Note: This promotion has been approved by Kevork under the edulist guidelines…
"Infomercials", announcements regarding Professional Development,
courses, conferences, and any other "advertising" needs to be approved by
the moderator of Edulists Kevork Krozian ( mobile:  0419 356 034 ) prior
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Michael Poke
Senior Years ICT Teacher
Senior Years Digital Learning Leader
Manor Lakes P-12 College
2-50 Minindee Road
Wyndham Vale Victoria 3024
poke.michael.c at edumail.vic.gov.au<mailto:poke.michael.c at edumail.vic.gov.au>
P.(03)97414202  F.(03)97411420

Google+: bit.ly/PokeGoogle<http://bit.ly/PokeGoogle>
YouTube: bit.ly/MichaelPokeYouTube<http://bit.ly/MichaelPokeYouTube>
Twitter: @michaelpoke<http://bit.ly/MichaelPokeTwitter>

Begin forwarded message:

From: EdTechTeam <events at edtechteam.com<mailto:events at edtechteam.com>>
Subject: Make THIS the Year You Master Google Apps for Education!
Date: 4 February 2016 at 12:59:47 PM AEDT
To: Michael <poke.michael.c at edumail.vic.gov.au<mailto:poke.michael.c at edumail.vic.gov.au>>
Reply-To: EdTechTeam <events at edtechteam.com<mailto:events at edtechteam.com>>


Register Now for an EdTechTeam Summit featuring Google for Education near you!

Melbourne West, April 7/8 | Register Here<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=62a5b8d803&e=0ddfab699d>
Canberra, April 11/12 | Register Here<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=09dd0f1920&e=0ddfab699d>
Auckland, April 18/19 | Register Here<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=75e42649ff&e=0ddfab699d>
Sydney, April 20/21 | Register Here<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=81fd94b96d&e=0ddfab699d>
Wellington, April 26/27 | Register Here<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=c53c5b1cb5&e=0ddfab699d>
Christchurch, April 28/29 | Register Here<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=c1d724638e&e=0ddfab699d>
Perth, July 4/5 | Register Here<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=f5484a3cfd&e=0ddfab699d>
Tasmania, September 26/27 | Register Here<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=fdebb9f903&e=0ddfab699d>

And coming soon: Melbourne East, Brisbane, and Adelaide. Find all our global events at gafesummit.com<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=cec2e1b224&e=0ddfab699d>.

EdTechTeam Summits featuring Google for Education are high-intensity, two-day events focused on deploying, integrating and using Google Apps for Education to enhance student learning. Sessions are led by Google Certified Innovators and Trainers and local educators with GAFE expertise!

Just announced!
Experience Google Expeditions at the Melbourne West, Sydney, and Wellington Summits!

We've secured a full set of Google Expeditions just for these three events. Come experience what everyone's been talking about in Melbourne, Sydney and Wellington this April.


Register for the Melbourne West Summit<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=eefdc3ae10&e=0ddfab699d>


Register for the Sydney Summit<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=7def64fc7b&e=0ddfab699d>


Register for the Wellington Summit<http://edtechteam.us6.list-manage.com/track/click?u=98c90bd9423f5f26664b538e4&id=b0c2dfd326&e=0ddfab699d>

Watch our new video: The GAFE Experience Down Under!






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