[Informatics] vceit.com lumbers towards 2016

Laurie Savage 08327998 at pvgc.vic.edu.au
Thu Dec 10 06:23:48 AEDT 2015

Wonderful work Mark. To spare you the bother can we just assume the bad puns and grand-dad jokes and whinge anyway?😝

Laurie Savage

Sent from my iPhone

> On 9 Dec 2015, at 4:05 PM, Mark <mark at vceit.com> wrote:
> Hi, Thrillseekers.
> I don't know how many of you are still afflicted with introductory Informatics classes​, but ​I've ​recently ​been ​busy populat​ing​ the​ new (CMS-based) vceit.com​ Informatics theory page​,​ ​by ​recycling​/adapting existing slideshows and creating ​new ​slideshows ​for new KK ​to ​give you a starting point​ for 2016​.
> ​Be aware that some of the recycled slideshows may not yet be 100% conformist to the new study design​. I've been using the efficient NEIGE* model in re-using existing key knowledge resources.
> ​The new slideshows may need polishing and filling out, and I have to add just enough whimsical material to annoy those people who like to complain about their free resources.​
> Mark
> *The NEIGE model.
> It's either French for 'snow', implying a crisp, clean and pure approach to problem solving, 
> or it stands for "Near Enough Is Good Enough'. You can decide.
> -- 
> Mark Kelly
> mark at vceit.com
> http://vceit.com
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