[CS4HS] [Yr11 Information Technology] Computational Thinking

Nicky Ringland nickyringland at gmail.com
Sat Jul 26 12:43:56 EST 2014

Hi Sylvia,

The discount is for all students who are signed up through a school.
 Students can also sign up and pay individually, though don't then have
access to the $30 discounted rate for a year's all-access subscription.
They can, however, sign up for a stream of the NCSS Challenge independently
($20) to try it out, and then if they wish to continue, pay the $10
difference through a school to upgrade their enrolment to all-access, for
all our courses and competitions for the year.  There is more information
on our pricing page <https://groklearning.com/pricing/>.

Kind regards,



Outreach Officer | National Computer Science School | http://www.ncss.edu.au
Tutor & Organiser | Girls' Programming Network |
Co-Founder | Grok Learning | https://groklearning.com/
PhD student | School of Information Technologies | Faculty of Engineering
and IT

Room 444 | Building J12 | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006
T +61 2 9036 9712 | F +61 2 9351 3838 | M +61 407 020 099

On 26 July 2014 03:49, Sylvia Pastore <smp191172 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi
> Just a quick question. Is the teacher discount for all students or does
> the student pay individually.
> Sent from my iPhone
> On 21 Jul 2014, at 8:10 pm, Ziad Baroudi <ziad at avilacollege.vic.edu.au>
> wrote:
> I want to add my voice to Roland's. The NCSS Challenge is a very
> worthwhile activity that is very well run. At our school, we run it as an
> out of class activity for interested students across year levels. We have
> lunchtime sessions where the students come and code so they could feel part
> of a group.
> Sincerely,
> Ziad Baroudi
> Avila College,
> Mount Waverley
> On 21 July 2014 20:05, Roland Gesthuizen <rgesthuizen at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello All,
>> The annual National Python Competition starts Aug. 5th.  Details can be
>> found at:
>> https://groklearning.com/challenge
>> The NCSS Challenge runs for 5 weeks in Term 3 starting on August 5th and
>> teaches students how to program as they compete.  Last year, thousands of
>> high school students (and some primary school students) and teachers
>> competed in the Challenge from hundreds of schools across Australia and New
>> Zealand.  I will be registering all our year 11 students and a swag from
>> around the college. Cannot speak highly enough of how well this activity is
>> run.
>> If you are still wondering what is computational thinking and why it is
>> important, then listen to Nicky Ringland and the ACCELN crew tonight as we
>> lift the lid on decomposition, pattern recognition, abstraction and
>> algorithm design.
>>      http://acceln.wikispaces.com/ (showtime is 8:30 tonight, Monday 21
>> July Melbourne time)
>> Still not convinced? Then check out the ACEC2014 conference program to
>> see how others are tackling this and how it will fit into our new national
>> curriculum. It’s a cumin down the line ..
>>      http://acec2014.acce.edu.au
>> Regards Roland Gesthuizen
>> *Roland GESTHUIZEN*http://about.me/rgesthuizen
>>  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens
>> can change the world;
>> indeed it is the only thing that ever has." --Margaret Mead
>> <http://acec2014.acce.edu.au/>
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> Year 11 It Mailing List kindly supported by
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> Teachers Association Inc
> http://www.swinburne.edu.au/ict/schools - Swinburne University
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