[Cisco] discovery 3-4
Robert Bernard
RBernard at groupwise.swin.edu.au
Wed Jul 15 19:33:14 EST 2009
Dear Jim
I will give you as much private personal feedback as I can from my point of view. (These notes rea not for public viewing). As a a TAFE college, we made our decision for 'Exploration' for reasons that I will elucidate. I also teach this in our Higher-Ed. division a little (for Degree and Masters programs).
1. Our TAFE Exploration Pass-Mark is 75% (unchanged from the old program).
2. We teach Exploration 1-4 (our first group of 3/4 students currently is in train).
3. Our pass-rate (Exploration 1/2) seems substantially unchanged from the previous program. With no ACLs, but a few clearer routing knowledges, our Cisco2 seems, if anything, a little easier in the 'Skills' (both for students and teachers).
4. Since our Higher-Ed. section only run Exploration, we cannot get reasonable exemptions for our students with Discovery (at all!) hence our only real option is Exploration.
5. The GUARANTEED EXEMPTIONS from Higher-Ed. for Exploration outcomes is viewed as HIGHLY attractive by our students (many of whom imagine themselves as Higher-Ed. students later, and see our Exploration program as a MUCH cheaper way of doing these subjects).
6. One (TAFE Diploma) Senate meeting that I attended some time ago quoted (by Sean) Exploration and Discovery take-up in the schools programs as roughly 50% each at that time. I suggest that the schools were contrasting perceived difficulty of programs against acceptability for Higher-Ed. programs. I do not have more recent figures.
7. After teaching Discovery at the early levels, I was that appalled with the teaching suitability of the notes that I wish never again to be involved with it. (I suggest that buzz-words like 'Holistic Learning' are just a cover-up for poor ability to provide coherent, well-sequenced instruction. And as for MultiCasting MAC addresses for beginners who do not know yet how to subnet .....)
8. We toyed with the idea of a 'Discovery 1+2', followed by Exploration 2/3/4 as a teaching sequence, but eventually buried it as a poor concept. (It had the advantage of a 'networks for Dummies' Discovery1 delivery for some poorer groups, but the outcome was so feeble that we reasoned 'what is the point?').
Does all this help you in reaching a conclusion? Cheers! Rob B.
Regards - Rob B.
Robert Bernard
TAFE School of Eng.
Room TB213 (TAFE-B)
61 (03) 9214 8464
c/o Swinburne University
(Internal Mail #H27)
PO Box 218, Hawthorn
Australia, 3122
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>>> "Jim Bunn" <bunn.jim.c at edumail.vic.gov.au> 7/15/2009 2:34 pm >>>
Hi everyone,
My school has a Cisco class this year, after a 2 year break (due to low student choice). We have chosen to go with Discovery. Most of my students are through to Discovery 2. My question is whether your Academies have/are offering Discovery 3 and 4. It has been suggested to me that it may be too rigorous for high school students. I'm of two minds as to whether the material will be too difficult for my students. I'd appreciate knowing what other school Academies are doing.
Also, I'm curious as to the pass rate for your Academies. We have been going with a 70% final exam and 70% overall average for a pass.
Thanks for your input and suggestions,
Jim Bunn
Technology Coordinator
Hampton Park Secondary College
8795 9400
bunn.jim.c at edumail.vic.gov.au
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