[Cisco] Cisco Semester 1 resources
Jim Bunn
bunn.jim.c at edumail.vic.gov.au
Wed Feb 1 21:34:32 EST 2006
Hi Peter,
Last year when I tried to do a search there seemed to be a problem with the
system. I couldn't stipulate version 3.1 and get any hits at all, so it only
worked for all versions. Therefore all the old version 2 stuff was there as
well. It was a mess to go through. I did a search today for CCNA 3, version
3 and it worked perfectly. I chose English, CCNA, version 3.1, and I think
that's all. Why don't you give it a try? Some of my PowerPoint lecture
uploads are there. I only uploaded ones that I created myself, but I also
have all the other modules, modified to my liking, that I'll happily send to
you if you like.
Jim Bunn
Technology Coordinator
Hampton Park Secondary College
Victoria Australia
bunn.jim.c at edumail.vic.gov.au
-----Original Message-----
From: cisco-bounces at edulists.com.au [mailto:cisco-bounces at edulists.com.au]
On Behalf Of Peter Steer
Sent: Tuesday, 31 January 2006 12:54 PM
To: cisco at fhc.vic.edu.au
Subject: [Cisco] Cisco Semester 1 resources
Hi All,
I am back teaching cisco semester 1 after a years break.
Who else is out there still running cisco in their school?
I am interested in finding out what other resources such as powerpoint
presentations etc people are using to deliver version 3.1.
In the past I was able to get materials from the cisco ftp site but it took
time to weed through it all to determine which was the "good" stuff.
If someone has already worked their way through this process it would be
great to hear from you?
Peter Steer
Head of ICT
The Hamilton and Alexandra College
Chaucer St, Hamilton Vic 3300
Phone 03 55721355
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cisco at edulists.com.au
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