[Cisco] Resources for all instructors and students

Kevork Krozian kevork at edulists.com.au
Thu Apr 28 23:04:22 EST 2005

Hi Folks,

      At Forest Hill College we are teaching CCNA Semesters 1 and 3 at present. 
I have had trouble getting my students , many of whom are Year 10 in Semester 1 to do self study and summaries of the theory.  So, in order to help them I have made many , many worksheets and quizzes to get them to read, reflect and test their knowledge. 
      I have posted the first group of these at the Cisco resources site at www.edulists.com.au , click on the Cisco "leaf" on the tree and you will find your way there. Feel free to use, modify , recycle or anything else that may be help your classes and students.
      I would hope we can all share similar resources to assist us in delivering the CCNA for our students.

 Best Wishes

Kevork Krozian
Mailing List Creator and Administrator
kevork at edulists.com.au
Tel: 0419 356 034
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