[Aries] Issues with "Requesting Classes"

Clarke Stevenson clarke.stevenson at bigpond.com
Mon Feb 5 10:25:51 EST 2007

Hi all


It has been identified that there is an issue with "Requesting Classes".


Until the situation is resolved, please email your class request with your
school number to helpdesk at aries.net.


Also, schools that have CD access to the curriculum will receive online
accounts for each student in the class.


If you require any additional information please contact me directly. 


Clarke Stevenson

Ph 03 9846 5602

Fax 03 9846 5702

Mob 0433 202 383

Skype clarke.stevenson

 <mailto:higherlearning at bigpond.com> higherlearning at bigpond.com


Aries Technology Pty Ltd  <http://www.aries.net/> www.aries.net

BroadLEARNT   <http://www.mediasphere.com.au/> www.mediasphere.com.au 

Edcube Pty Ltd



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