[Agriculture and Horticulture ] VCE Ag and Hort: For your information and request for help

Tran, Lorraine I tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au
Thu Jul 16 13:06:31 EST 2009

Dear colleagues


Welcome back to term 3. I hope you all had a safe and relaxing break. 


A couple of matters.....


Consultation for study design

As you may already know, VCE Agricultural and Horticultural Studies is
being reviewed this year. The study design is close to being ready for


Colleagues are invited to register to receive information about the VCE
Agricultural and Horticultural Studies Consultation Draft Study Design.


Please go to:




Can you help with resources? (Also see Margy's earlier email.)

If you have any resources (books, journals, videos/DVDs/CDs, magazines,
websites and organisations etc) that you use to support your teaching in
VCE Agricultural and Horticultural Studies, please email details to
Margy Wright wright.margaret.p at edumail.vic.gov.au or me
tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au

A new resources list will be compiled over the coming months for the new
VCE study design. If possible, can you please provide the following




Present the information in the following order:

-    author's surname and initials (no spaces between multiple initials;
two or more authors-names separated by commas and linked by a final
ampersand; if no author's name appears on the title page, the name of
the sponsoring organisation)

-    editor, compiler or translator, if other than author (in brackets)

-    year of publication

-    title of publication (in italics with maximum capitalisation: The
Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire)

-    edition, if applicable

-    publisher

-    place of publication

-    page numbers, if applicable


Butler, JD & Walbert, DF (eds) 1986, Abortion, Medicine and the Law, 2nd
edn, Facts on File Publication, New York.

Board of Studies 1995, Using the CSF: Health and Physical Education,
Board of Studies, Melbourne.


Note: There is no punctuation mark between the author's name and the
year of publication; all other items are separated by commas; full stop
at the end of the entry.





Present the information in the following order:

-    author's name

-    year of publication

-    title of article (within single inverted commas, title in upright
(roman) typeface with minimum capitalisation)

-    title of journal or periodical (in italics)

-    volume number, if applicable

-    issue number, if applicable

-    date of publication (for newspapers and magazines)

-    page numbers, if applicable


Dewhirst, C 1986, 'Hot air over the Himalayas', World Geography, vol. 1,
no. 4.

Brandis, G 1987, 'The Liberals: Just who is forgetting whom?', Weekend
Australian, 24-25 Jan., p. 19.





For motion picture and videos, details should include:

-    title

-    format (motion picture or video)

-    date of recording

-    name of production house

-    place of recording


The Comedic Fall (motion picture) 1991, Time-Warner, New York.

Understanding the GNP (video) 1992, AFR Videos, Melbourne.

Television productions are identified as videos, with details of
television transmission given.


What Are We Going to Do With the Money? (video) 8 August 1992, ABC





Details should include:

-    title

-   year of publication

-    computer package used (IBM, Macintosh, etc.)

-    publisher

-    place of publication


The Australian Wildlife 1997, IBM and Macintosh, Wildfire Software,





Suggested format for material created for publication on the Internet:

-    author

-    title of site (in italics)

-    page number (if applicable)

-    date of creation or last date of update

-    agency that maintains the site

-    Internet address or URL

-    date site accessed (in brackets)


Board of Studies, CSF Review, no date, Board of Studies,
www.bos.vic.edu.au/ (27 July 1998).


Suggested format for references to pre-published material found on the

-    author

-    title of work (book, article, paper, etc.)

-    publisher

-    year of publication

-    colon followed by the word 'Online'

-    page number of site (if given)

-    Internet address or URL

-    date of site accessed (in brackets)


Board of Studies, P-10 Progress, March 1998, Board of Studies: Online
www.bos.vic.edu.au/ (27 July 1998).


Note: The first part of the citation refers to the printed version: the
second part states it was sourced online, where online and when.




The brief description of free or paid services provided by the


List the full name of organisation, full address including state and
postcode, the title of the contact person (if known), telephone number
with area code, fax number (if applicable), email address (if
applicable), website (if applicable).


For information on diabetes, kit for use in classroom (cost $00):


Diabetes Australia

100 Collins Street

Melbourne Vic 3000

Contact: Publications Officer

Tel: (03) 9999 4560

Fax: (03) 9999 4500




Your assistance with this will be greatly appreciated and assist and
support VCE Ag and Hort in the future. Thank you.


Lorraine (and Margy)


Lorraine Tran

Curriculum Manager, P - 12 Design and Technology

Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA)

41 St Andrews Place

East Melbourne 3002



Email: tran.lorraine.i at edumail.vic.gov.au

Telephone: (03) 9651 4407

Mobile:       041 933 1630


The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority provides high quality
curriculum, assessment and reporting that promotes individual life long

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